Friday, May 28, 2021

George W. Bush Warned Against Troop Withdrawl: Taliban Overtakes Dozens of Bases in Afghanistan

 First off, on the start of Memorial Day weekend, I'd just like to say God bless the troops here and abroad and God bless George W. Bush...

The D.E.M.'s anti-war platform has yielded an under-reported and tragic consequence.  Upon Biden's administration withdrawing troops from Afghanistan, George W. Bush's worst fear has been confirmed...

Over a dozen Afghan military bases have now been overtaken since the troop withdraw under D.E.M. leadership.  This may seem like just another news story, but for anyone who gives a damn about women's rights, it should be seen for what it is:  The Taliban going back to oppressing the people of Afghanistan.  It was a drastic mistake on Biden's part.  Now the innocent women and children in that country have been left defenseless and open to violent sharia law established by the Terrorist Taliban.  Over 40 bases that we had established through blood sweat and tears, are now under the control of terrorists - all as a consequence of Biden withdrawing our armed forces from Afghanistan!

George W. Bush stated upon announcement of the troop withdrawl that this would occur, and felt sympathy for the innocent women and children who, he predicted, would be victims of this ill conceived act of D.E.M. foreign policy.  I can understand why former president Bush would feel this way.

As a wartime POTUS, he was responsible for our military actions in the middle east.  Now that he's out of the control of the executive office, I can only imagine how he must feel about this tragic loss of afghan military bases.  I hate to say it, but this is the kind of 'Pro-Troops' faux patriotism of the D.E.M. that leads inevitably to tragedy.  I understand that we want our heroes back home, but at the expense of innocent Afgani's?  Think of the poor women, who are subject to all kinds of brutal oppression at the hands of the Taliban.

George W. Bush predicted that this ill conceived foreign policy strategum would have dire consequences...

and now it's come to fruition.

The Taliban is now free - without our military organization in the country - to run rampant and enforce their islamist oppression of innocent muslims, including women and children!

I guess it's not for me to comment, as I have no real understanding of foreign policy.  Very few people, in fact, do...

But I will say that had Biden heeded Bush's warning, and taken this whim of foreign policy action with a bit more wisdom and foresight, lives could have been saved.

Let's all pray it doesn't get worse...

DDU 2021

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Minos Battery Recordings

Minos Battery Recordings 

The above is a link to my, Brendan Hooker O'Connell, original label.

Please check it out!

I'm all the albums except for 5904 and DJ Mucus...

Tons of Emo Remixes!

Monday, May 17, 2021

On Being-Towards-God: A Dialectic

 Ontical being-there is scientifically discernable by those gifted with the wisdom that mediation in academic scientific study brings.  Upon reaching the level of higher immediacy, one should look back not on the ecstasis of mediation and learning as we understand it in an everyday sense, but on the meaning of correlation and psychological apprehension betwixt lower immediacy and higher immediacy...

Lower immediacy are the ways of an uneducated child.

Higher immediacy is the way of Being-Towards-God of the master of his discipline.

Mediation is the intermediary "wooded path" leading from lower to higher states of understanding and being-in-the-world.  Through mediation, one can turn our basic emotional state of being-there as we are as innocent children and aestheticize our base inclinations into something sophisticated with authentic intelligence.  The intelligence of a master.

Does this transmutation of our pre-ontological understanding take one, through schooling, from slave to master?  It's a question worth considering, even just in an ontical way. Nietzsche speaks a fair amount about the "lower" and "higher" states of morality and ways of being-in-the-world.  He uses the conceptually biting criticism of the slave morality of the "Last Man" and compares it with the much maligned term "Ubermensch" or "Overman".  Perhaps one can gain insight into existential ethics by putting Nietzsche's Master-Slave dichotomy in apposition to the aforementioned "Higher Immediacy" and "Lower Immediacy" states of Being-Towards-God outlined by Hegel.

Which brings us to "Mediation".

If one wishes to understand how to revolutionize slave values into masterful Dasein, one need not look any further than arduous study of Hegel's contribution to academia.  According to many in intellectual and cultural circles, the sphere of influence brought about by the revolutionary thinking in Hegel's authorship and contribution to western civilization cannot be understated.  Hegel made the World we understand today, both culturally and intellectually...  I'd merely proffer the reader look into this Paleo-Hegelian influence seriously through studying the works of Hegel (esp. his Phenomenology...) not through contrite PHI 101 analytic quotations of his works coupled with apposite commentary from the textbooks, but -truly- by arduous reading of Hegel on his own terms.

This Being-Towards-God, by virtue of mediation in order to become a master of ones own fate freely, can be understood more readily by passionate living-alongside Hegel's dialectic in his incomparably influential works.  Try reading every sentence of an entire work by Hegel, and the mediation I spoke of can be seen to de-limit the strictures of formal study.

By "Being-Alongside" Hegel's holy trinity, daseins can come to discover Being-Towards-God.

To wit,

Hegel organized many of his books into three parts.

Within those three parts, that are then, more or less, authored into three subsections.

Within those subsections,

We can see Hegel's use of thesis, antithesis and synthesis in more or less ahistorical ways.

This is the much maligned dialectic that Neo-Hegelians like Marx so abused, blasphemed and contorted to fit an historical interpretation of Hegel's contribution to ourselves and our society today.  So try reading Hegel, cover to cover, page by page with a mediation in the works of Nietzsche yourself.

You may be surprised to find his dialectic to be more meaningful than any out-of-context analysis generally, in fact, is. 

You can find his first and most important text for sale here: The Phenomenology of Spirit by G.W.F. Hegel

The idea of Being-Towards-God needs to be taken seriously by anyone engaged in any attempting to make valuations of the authority relegated to the "Intellectualatti" and "Culturalatti".  There have been attempts by many to distort the traditions of Hegel and Academia in western civilization in the name of materialistic agnosticism or communism.

But this is a farce!

The indomitable will of the almighty God is the call of Jah.

Answer that call yourself,

and "Be-Towards-God" today!


Brendan Hooker O'Connell

DDU 2021

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

on lil homicide and nc

Hi my name is Brendan oconnell. A lot of people know me as a right wing extremist tea party activist. But what I would like to say is that despite my political leanings as a  Republican conservative I sympathise 100% with the death of Andrew Brown Jr. also known as the MC rapper Little homocide. It may seem counterintuitive to consider how anti black lives matter i am in fact... but politics has nothing to do with truth and the responsibility not just of police but yea the military and anybody with a weapon of deadly force bears to the law of our nation!

 I've been emceeing over urban music and djing as well as producing urban music for about 20 years this year of our Lord 2021.... the instance of Mr. Brown out in Elizabeth City transcends the George Soros astro turf activism of Minneapolis and black lives matter as such! This is not about the marxist conspiracy that is black lives matter. This is about anyone who possesses a deadly weapon being held responsible for and I mean it irresponsible use of deadly force. I sympathise with Mike Brown as an artist of urban music but besides that I believe that after the body camera footage was made public to the family That law enforcement in this case used irresponsible and excessive force of deadly weaponry! 
That is to be held accountable under our law under our constitutional sovereign law whether it's a gang banger in a drive-by or whether it's a military member overseas or even whether it's a white male murdering their wife out of Passion. Murder is a sin according to the bible. 

Murder is not to be taken lightly! 

Saying that in this use of deadly force by law enforcement I would merely state that had Mr. Brown been carrying a weapon I would be completely on the opposite side of this debate!  

but apparently he was not packing! He was not carrying any gun whatsoever. So in this case I believe it's unequivocally true that law enforcements use of deadly force was administered irresponsibly in this case! Saying that I am not so sure Justice amounts to throwing the book at these police. I just believe that it is the truth that mr. Brown did not have to die ! And that people dying without warrant is a travesty of our law and yea the law of The Bible. So with that being said black lives matter is astro turf this is not Minneapolis and I have no sympathy for the meat head bouncer George Floyd who was hepped up on opioids and resisting arrest built like a brick shithouse.

 No sympathy for blm whatsoever from this cowboy .

 Saying that I have nothing but compassion for Andrew Brown also known as little homocide. He was an artist who made urban music as part of urban music culture. He did not deserve to die! This is not my fight at all. I merely voicing my own personal interpretation of what I've seen about what happened in Elizabeth City Eastern North Carolina on this pedantic blog! I have no cause to stick up for Andrew Brown also known as little homicide! But as a tea party Republican I sympathise with the Brown family's loss I believe this to be a very sensitive time in our in our history North Carolina for oue nation and a for anybody committed to the struggle for Justice! 

Mike Brown did not deserve to be killed through excessive and irresponsible use of deadly force and deadly weapons.... 
This has nothing to do with the black lives matter movement! This has to do with Justice for anybody regardless of race creed or colour who irresponsibly uses a deadly weapon to murder somebody! It doesn't matter who you are using a gun irresponsibly on...  this is irresponsible existentially... not only according 2 me and domestic democracy united but by the law of The Bible And a law of our land.
 Rest in peace lil homocide.

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

on the trial of Brendan O Connell black lives matter strikes again

I would like to start by testifying this blog is my personal interpretation of events that the black lives matter had experience in marxism and occurred in past and recent history. Today I went to court for graffiti art! I assumed that there would be nothing un -  becoming amongst the trial and it was merely as if I had scribbled on the side of a railroad train! Little did I know that I was being investigated and testified under oath to as being in some sense a racist or terrorist projector of terrorist conspiracy theories ! I saw 2 anti fa alinskyites who had actually called the police for my anti black lives matter graffiti art and informed on me.  They called the police out and R ATT FIN K ratted me out right then and there wearing a socialist black lives matter mask! D's black lives matter BLM marxist conspirators need to understand that when their party the Democrat socialist party talk down our historical monument downtown in the centre circle right next to the courthouse that everyone sees! When they took down our Confederate monument day had it coming! So don't try for me with indignancy xd and the same thing they did against the tea party during the IRS tax exempt status scandal! Ask yourselves who do I stand by BL M marxist Chinese mouse academic and legal communis or with the police actually nation point