Monday, December 30, 2019

Sanford D.E.M. Headquarters Vandalized: DDU Shows Support

As we reach the end of Hanukkah season with a mass murder by a Black Lives Matter protester at a Rabbi's Hanukkah party, I would just like to apologize for any antisemitism I may have displayed on Politalk.
It has never been my intention to spread existential alienation or angst.
I may have said some things about politicians of the Jewish persuasion before that were uncouth and I sincerely apologize...

With that being said- JUST IN ON THE WIRE!

A Lee County (My neighboring county) Democrat Headquarters building has been vandalized.

I would like to offer my support to the Tea Party activists who did this.
They are heroes.
Much like David and Goliath in the bible,
They went up against a giant and slew him,
all through the hip hop form of Graffiti art, so to speak.

I truly surmise that this is, in facticity, whitelash for the confed'rate monument in my home county of Chatham being taken down.

Whitelash isn't exactly the best strategy in the world,
but if you have grievous concerns about issues of this sort I applaud the Tea Party protesters who vandalized the building...  They are not only heroic, but humorous.

I mean, how do you like it commies, when your property is trashed by us?

Must be pretty scary!

I certainly hope so...

Happy new year!!!

Domestic Democracy United 2012

Friday, December 6, 2019

A Very Confed'rate Christmas in Chatham Co.

Let's talk about two things here:  The Confed'racy and Christmas.

The confederate cause has always had a place here in Chatham Co.

Don't get me wrong, there's nothing nefarious about this...

Citizens of Chatham Co. have always promoted the Confed'rate flag and respect for the Southern traditions passed down to families from their native ancestors here in the South proper.

The fact is, a confed'rate flag or sticker on a pick up truck might seem threatening to those who believe merely in the politically correct...

But this sociologically apprehendable phenomenon is far from anything menacing or terroristic.

Attempts have been made to compare right wing Southern tea party patriots and islamist fundamentalist terrorism,
but I think the comparison is spurious and dubious in the extreme to say the least.

Confed'rate heritage is our birthright as Southerners,
and considering how Politically Correct our society has become,
One might consider the anti-confederate protesters to be acting very un-pc.

I mean if I went to an indigenous culture far from the place of my upbringing proper and started assaulting their native traditions polemically and institutionally would that not be an example of very un-intelligent lack of political correctness?  I mean, when in Rome....

But the fact remains - The yanks in city gov'ment and - yae - the hippie scum that make up the constituency of the county seat we live in (as well as where the monument stood for more than 100 years) voted for policy to remove our traditional confed'rate monument.

And now - for the first Christmas season in more than a century - we have a whitewashed county seat courthouse and the yank's have, decidedly, won the battle over the monument.  It's gone.

And now the activist judges in Chatham's judicial system seem to be blocking the UDC (United Daughters of the Confederacy) from putting up a confed'rate approved replacement monument...

I can only hope that the UDC and the yippie citizenry can come to some kind of across the aisle bi-partisan solution....

So -



DDU Brendan O'Connell


The main argument of the Anti-fa and black lives matter protesters against the monument was that it represented slavery (as well as rumors that slaves were sold nearby the monument itself).  Touche'.
But what I would argue is that this needs some historical clarification of the Democrat Progressives of the last century after the emancipation of all the slaves in the South.
Yes, the quote "progressives" in charge of post civil war America did a number of things that are historical facts one can check out, that I believe to be even more sinful and racially blind than the paternalism of Southern culture before the civil war by enacting some reforms that many view as decidedly "not very Christmasy".

1) The progressives, believing not only that men and women of African Heritage were too under educated to vote but that Scots-Irish sharecroppers as well as newly emancipated black citizens didn't deserve democracy.
The Progressive Democrat 'social engineers' of early last century mandated Poll Taxes and Literacy Tests (%100 historically factical) for the poor undereducted masses.  They referred to the newly emancipated blacks as, and I quote, "SAVAGES".
Lord knows what they had to say about the Irish!

2)  The reconstruction of the newly conquered Southern territories was seen in terms of crippling the yanks opponents in the civil war...  namely po' whites.  Social reforms were meant to cause consternation to the average Southerner.  The carpetbaggers moving into southern states oft' times were quick to enact policy that would virtually cripple po' white scots-irish all across the fruited planes of the confederate states.  This seems...

and finally, to bring it home:

3) Early progressive dems, reacting to the problem of what to do with the newly emancipated blacks, invented through Social Engineering, the system that po' blacks find themselves struggling against all the way up till today... that is, Housing Projects or Ghettos.
Many don't know this or wish to look the other way in regards to the responsibility of creating "ghettos" for the quote "savages"; But the poor scots-irish in Chatham sure didn't come up with this infrastructure...  No all of the structuralist politik and real world conditions of the progressive dem invented "Housing Projects" were developed by our modern day democrat compatriot forerunners in the gov'ment of early 20th century attempts to, and I quote, "civilize" the newly emancipated blacks through 'progressive re-education' and by promoting a homogeneous black culture through the development by the government of Ghettos.

I guess what I mean to say in a kind of blithe summation of racial politik in the South-as-such is merely this...

Democrats and non-affiliated Progressives are, through their romanticization and sentimentalization of Americans of African Heritage's culture, DE-FACTO, far more bigoted and racist than even the worst of the worst in Alt-Right mythology.  I've heard stories of Americans of African Heritage attending Alt-Right events and being completely and warmly welcomed by the Tea Party patriots and other factions in the protest.  I mean, the fact is -  RIGHTWING = LESS RACIST THAN LIBERALS.


domestic democracy united 2012

Friday, November 22, 2019

On the Death of Structuralism

Structuralism (oft' called post-modernism) is a decidedly elite philosophy that appeared after Heidegger and Derrida destroyed the previous metaphysics and built a new structure around authorship as the dialectical Spirit.  Yet Spirit (geist in german) also translates as "Mind".

It seems that many of the early progenitors of Structuralism rejected, implicitly through out their writings, the idea of "Purpose-as-such".  To them the idea of a higher calling or a divinely inspired "purpose" seemed absurd and tragically out of step with the post-modern age....

Well now that post-modernism is dead,
We can all focus on taking the authorship and dialectic of the main originator of structuralism, Jean-Jacques Derrida, and return it back to it's roots in "Agrarian" ethics.  The philosophers of that time on the European continent had a great deal of respect for the rural and oft' times under-educated "man of the land".  It's even been said that throughout all of Heidegger's obtuse and oft' times difficult verbiage is a profound sense of explaining the conceptualization of "Common Sense" (as in the agrarian ideal of reason and logic) in distinctly abstract philosophical language.  Explaining the virtues of the farmer through philosophy proper.

I feel that in the years after Heidegger and Derrida philosophy basically, in a sense, collapsed under the weight of "Nihilism" or purposelessness-as-such.  Heidegger never wrote at all about morality or ethics, keeping his prose of philosophical import more attuned to the phenomeno-existential.  When he talks about two different kinds of being (the Ontological and the Ontical), or two different kinds of existentialism (the Existentiell and the Existential), he's delimiting the horizon upon which an apprehension of the Virtues of the Agrarian man, as the most everyday way in which one can approach the mysterious virtues of hermeneutics, can be understood.

So by making these primordial distinctions on the basis of Being vs. beings-as-such or the two different modes of phenomenal apprehension of the world as the existentiell and the existential, what the inherent morality of the author in fact is in facticity, comes out in the modus operandi of the authorship.

Later Po-Mo academic oxen seemed to take this lack of ethical rhetoric as an implicit denial of morality-as-such;
Yet the authors of the continent at the time, including Nietzsche, all seemed to succinctly reject the idea of absolute values not in favor of a kind of hipster existential nihilism but generally saw Passion as the main redemptive qualia of life.  With the leaps in technology and science at the time, it seems interesting that many of the black outfit clad po-mo cultists of the last century reject Marshall Mcluhan.  Around the time of Structuralism's prominence there was a great effort by many of the structuralists to explicitly reject the works of Mcluhan.

Well now that Mr. Mcluhan's (an early English lit professor who basically predicted the next 60 years of technological evolution) insights have proven to be unequivocally "on the mark", so to speak, perhaps we can inject a little "purpose-as-such" back into the publik dialectic.

I mean honestly,
Little counter-culturalist wanna be intellectuals rejecting all value in philosophy based on oxen like obedience to ethical nihilism all the while rejecting Teleological concerns?  They do very little of the hard work and deep study & thought of the philosophers on the continent.

Maybe there's no point or purpose to our world as the Structuralists say.... who knows?

But I think the 1960's/1970's era of Post-modernism has failed society, failed philosophy, failed the litmus test of virtue and now resides in the graveyard for forgotten intellectual movements of the past.

Let's all approach the world and our Being-in-it as a careful dialectician such as Derrida or Hegel would have done.  We should save no sacred cows...  What we need as philosophers is to revaluate all values of Post-Modernism and come to the conclusion that Existential Post-Deconstructionism is the horizon of the New philosophers.

Cheers friends,
Hope you find some meaning in my useless drivel!

Brendan O'Connell

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Friday, November 15, 2019

Slaughter at California School - DDU on Psychopathic Gunmen

Last thursday there was an armed attack at a school in Southern California, leaving a number of innocent people dead, injured and traumatized.

It's a horrid thing that occurred,
and none of us should give into the complacency regarding the "mass shooter" epidemic.

The fact is,
we may write off these incidences as just another day in paradise,
but I think it's important to remember:

"The loss of even one life is a quantifiable loss of life."

I mean think about just one person's death.  A single person tragically dying...

It's infinitely unjust, terribly sad, and eternally damnable by god.
I cannot imagine that many of these shooters are really Christian to be honest.
Sure the lamestream media attempts to tie every one of these tragic events in with Tea Party/Alt-Right folks, but I would wager a fair hand that the majority of these types of tragic mass shootings are not carried out for religious reasons...

But what is the M.O.?
The Modus Operandi?
A priori?

It's hard without tons of training in Criminology as such to really say for sure,
but I'd wager it was put best by Trump:  "These guys are losers."

I mean from the first big media spectacle coverage of Columbine up to the international terrorism of Bin Laden all the way up till today-  Could the motive be merely the motive of a "loser"?

It may be more complicated than that,
but I think some of the criminal pathology that leads to these types of "outbursts" may be psycho-sexual, to be frank.

in the real world,
losers have trouble getting laid...

Either because they're ugly or anti-social or perhaps they're simply isolated by the individualism of the Post - Structuralist age;
Either way I think it'd be interesting to see some more of the info on these mass shooters than we're generally given.

I mean,
what kind of music did they listen to (so I can avoid listening to that in the future)?
what books were they into (so I can read opposing authors)?
what was their web browser history (that's really the big one)?

But we never get that in the lamestream media.

All we get is, as I called it once, this blithe insinuation.

Unless they (as in the lamestream media) can tie the shooter to conservatism/republicanism and then all bets are off!

Perhaps the irresponsibility of journalism can cause this type of psycho-sexual isolation?
Who knows?

There's always violent video games...

I mean,
lets be honest...
Violent media can have a negative impact on people's morality;
esp. in this age...

Who knows..What I do know is we should all stand by our courageous Generation-Z school age young adults,
and pray for their safety.

We need peace.

Let's all do our part!

Brendan O'Connell
Domestic Democracy United 2019

Friday, November 8, 2019

On the Debate Over the Confed'rate Monument in Pittsboro, NC

I haven't much to say about the confederate monument in the center of our little oasis of a county seat, Pittsboro NC that hasn't been said already.  It's been picking up a strange gate of corporate coverage, but I can tell by their placing the news on Pittsboro always near the end of the news broadcast that it must surely still be a subject of great import!

I'd suppose I could sum up my own opinion on the matter in the words of an Elderly Chapel Hill man I interviewed during the debate at the Ag Center...  that is - "The Monument has been there damned near 100 years and it never bothered anybody."

I agree,
When we grew up in this area as school children no one really even commented on the statue and if the local Americans of African Heritage in Chatham had reservations about the monument they didn't say much about it earlier.

I don't know about you,
but something stinks about the whole affair.

I think there is definitely something rotten in Denmark...

...only instead of Denmark,

you know.


So I guess as a quasi local of P-Dot I can only ask,

"Why are people complaining now?"

Hard to say, but let's look at the situation as if it were a mathematical formula...


let me - without once again referencing 'racial threat' - merely state that the DOC and the Protesters on the right are far from Dylan Roof-like.  I mean just take a look!

But that does seem to be how folks on the left view it!

Dylan Roof was big into confederate counter-culture and killed Americans of African Descent in CHURCH!!!

"Hate Crime" hardly even covers it.

I mean what Dylan Roof (and other bad actors) did really does reflect on the confederate flag waving protesters in favor of the monument staying!
But let me tell you,
the truth is far from this socio-psychological blind spot.

Just because ONE person ruins it for everyone doesn't mean that the bad apple is representative of Republicans as a whole!  It's just the fact of the matter.

I liked what one Tea Party protester holding a confederate flag said to a young Black Lives Matter protester...

"I literally have a picture of Michael Jordan and **** ***** standing under Silent Sam (a monument that got trashed by anti-fa protesters in Orange Co.), two of the most prominent black men to ever play the sport in North Carolina."

And it's true!

The radical anti-fa is not constitutive of your average young counter culturalist just as Dylan Roof isn't constitutive of your average Tea Party Patriot.

We just need to get beyond all this cross-partisan confusion and tumult and get down to brass tax-

"What's best for the people of America?"

Domestic Democracy United 2019

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Politalk Halloween "Spooktacular" *video inside*

Hello fellow patriots!

Recently I trekked with my videographer Cindy Nyarko Frimpong to ZOMBIEPALOOZA 2019 held in Cary NC. It's essentially a film festival, with people rocking out to zombie flicks and dressing up as ghastly ghouls. I thought it might be fun for people on my blog to see Domestic Democracy United founder Brendan O'Connell Interviewing zombies about Trump... Interesting to note - most zombies? No comment


"Everyone deserves a scare every now and then"
- Halloween 1978

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Exclusive Vid of Confrontation Downtown Pittsboro

Hey patriots and Democracy Alt-Right massive!!!

Right here I have an exclusive video of the protests going on downtown in my hometown of Pittsboro (Chatham Co.) N.C.

It shows a democracy advocate downtown recording a confrontation between the confed'rate monument supporters and Anti - Monument supporters as well as a rapid response by the local P.D.

I think this video shows just how tense the racial threat and racism is at the monument - and all I'll say is this -

I don't really see what the big "to-do" is here.

The fact of the matter is, UDC will design the replacement monument.
I trust that the United Daughters of the Confederacy will proffer something fair and level headed for the future monument.  So really...

It's a "Win-Win"!

So now we have these astroturf protesters infiltrating our hometown and basically just "Muckraking" during the traffic rush downtown - costing taxpayer money.

And most of these protesters aren't even from Pittsboro!

In fact, the recent "Black Lives Matter" protesters were WHITE!!!

It's a farce,
and the police are right to keep the protesters at bay...

I can see that anyone getting aggressive in public WILL be confronted by the Free World Police,
and I approve of this policy in dealing with these oft' times fundamentalist terroristic protesters on the Left.

The so called "Anti-Fa"!!!

Well my message to any Anti-Fa activist protester trolling Politalk is merely this-

May the god of Abraham bless this land,
and Justice reign supreme in absolute objective unequivocal Truth.
Pay penance and recompense for your art carnal sins,


Get the Hell out of my town~



Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Liberals on the Attack: "When will They Realize This is Ruining Their Re-Election Efforts"

Currently the Liberals are going "All In" on Trump impeachment, a process which is arduous and torturous for the Mainstream news viewer.  It's as if a sycophant has taken control of the Democrat party and made it's sole goal in "Hatred".

"Hatred" of Trump!

It seems unbecoming,
all of this extremist hatred of our Democratically elected Gov'ment!

I mean let's get real...

The Democrats have ruined our country from the beginning.  From enforcing subsidized housing to spending the lot of our national debt on welfare and food stamps, the D.E.M. is playing farcical politik with our children's future!

We ought to cut them off!

Democrat ideology in academia and elementary school is off it's chains with propaganda not suited for our children!

They're taught that the quote "White Man" is unjust and the cause of every social malfeasance in the book...  Why am I guilty?

Merely for being a "White Male".

It stands to reason that these social engineers in the media ought to listen to their constituency!

Nobody in the entire world of serious Politik really believes that Trump "should" be impeached or that impeachment is really possible!  It's merely this drab but glam showboating;
Trying not to let everyone know that the D.E.M. party has gone off the rails!




Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Anti-Fa Activists put a Target on Domestic Democracy Founder, Brendan O'Connell

recently I've covered a rash of protests and after all is said and done, this is how I feel in the video below:
I recently was forwarded a link to a Twitter member called something like "Take Down Silent Sam" or sommat...

So anyways on their Twitter page they have a photshopped page on - Brendan Hooker O'Connell (DDU) - yours truly.
Complete with a photo of me and everything.
They say any publicity is good publicity I guess, ho hum~

But they seemed to really be grasping for straws with this little meme... the writeup they said I cover shootings on my blog and pretend to do journalism,
but really I'm a "homophobic anti-Semite and anti leftist" with a write up at the end saying I am intrinsically Pro-White Power...

So do these dishrag protesters really have nothing better to do than photoshop little pics of some Blogger in NC?

I've even had a gas station attendant across the street from me (anonymous whistle blower) inform me that some dishrag protester full of "Concern" went into the gas station and "asked about the guy across the street", and did this a total TWO TIMES!!!

Christ -

I'm not worried though,
and I definitely ain't, as they say around here, "Skeered".

Signing off until next week - DDU Founder and Member,
Brendan Hooker O'Connell

Monday, September 30, 2019

Stop Unlawfulness: See Something Say Something

I consider, theologically, the law of the beacon of light for the world - America - to be coalescent with the Law of God as such.
It might not always be perfect, this system of Laws and Edicts we have in our land - but I'm a Christian who never deviates from believing the Law of Man (at least in America) is NOT separate from the Law of God!

But this Samhain,
We should all increase our astuteness to the criminal pathology of CHILD MOLESTATION, IRRESPONSIBLE GUN OWNERSHIP, SEX SLAVERY and DOMESTIC TERROR.

We need to stop whatever may be in the works to happen near All Hallow's Eve, and stem the tide of neurological pathology and how it interacts in terms of terror with the susceptible mainstream American Publik.

If you hear someone who owns a gun threaten to harm themselves or others, you need to do the right thing and levy the arm of Law Enforcement by calling the local Police Department.
You CAN call 911,
but I would recommend merely putting potential shooters into full view of the transparency of modern and POST-modern law as such.

We need to stop whatever terror attack is currently in the works, and more to come after that!

The only way to do that is to be vigilant, curiously suspicious of all civilians who appear to be hiding something...

Often times when you pin down the Modus Operandi (or M.O.) of somebody whose life isn't kept as an open book (AS I DO, THANK YOU) you find the kind of pathology reserved for anti-American terrorists...  They may want to kill because as Trump entombed - THEY ARE LOSERS~

I remember the pervasiveness of "The Anarchist Cookbook" back when I was in high school.

Let me, as a Pop Punk/Gabber Techno/IDM musician say there is nothing HARDCORE or PUNK RAWK about reading about or studying how to build explosives.

If you know of someone bragging about having explosives or joking about using them DDU asks you to call the PD tip line immediately - that or ICE/DHS - 

Samhain is the time when Domestic Terrorists come out to play - LETS STOP THEM DEAD IN THEIR TRACKS!!!!


DDU 2019

Monday, September 16, 2019


Domestic Democracy United Founder/ Member Brendan O'Connell

"I recorded this protest in my hometown and homestate over our historical monument.  It's a short vid, but I hope the regular readers will find it entertaining to see yours truly confronting the anti-fa.
I hope you like it - apologies for the shoddy video - just a little DIY something!

In other news I would like to welcome a new Member to Domestic Democracy United's charter, one Mr. Stetson Black.  Give everything you have to democracy as if it could be stolen by Totalitarianism, Brother."

DDU 2019

Monday, August 19, 2019

Short Update: Students Return to School Amidst Nationwide Confusion

Now is about the time of year when young students return from summer vacation to their studies.
I wish them all the best,
and have even been getting an inkling that Philosophy is coming back amongst the counter-culture youth.

Let's all support students' around the country keeping lifelong learning as an ethic.

We can always graduate,
but the learning in life should never cease.

I hope these young students (Gen Zers and Millenials), who are very well trained in the discipline of learning, can find something redemptive in studying the early greek philosophers.

I spent my younger years trying to BE Socrates,
always questioning people on subjects of import and inquiring into others beliefs and morays.

I learned a lot from those years of questioning.

I hope the young bright minds of America can really get a taste of Philosophy and the power of knowledge and wisdom!

Let's all encourage deep thinking in our friendships and family (and perhaps even work) life...

Here's to the young,
with an unquenchable thirst for justice, freedom and equality.

DDU 2019

Friday, August 9, 2019

Primordial Coping as Engagement and Being-Alongside-Death

We're generally keen on coping in the USA.
We understand coping, and we understand what it means to engage with the world.
And we can surmise quite easily what Being-Alongside-Death may mean in a common sensical way.

But what if we're wrong about coping and death?

What if our previous understanding (verstehen) shows itself to be inadequate?

What if we acknowledge that we don't know what this configuration of the phonetic alphabet really signifies?

Then we must carefully examine "coping as engagement with the world" anew, with a dialectical knife.  We must cut through what obscures our understanding of the hermeneutical aspects of the simple word "coping", and regain an understanding of the world as Reason.

Primordial coping, as referenced in Heidegger, is how we blindly and ignorantly deal with a world of engagements.  Socrates once said "the only thing I know is that I know nothing".  Perhaps one may stratify what this means in terms of universal structures and archetypes.  I cannot bring myself to touch a webster-miriam, as I consider looking up definitions of words to often cause our verstehen to become, once again, obscured.

Coping, as in all that human Dasein engages with in everydayness, is primordial exactly in the sense one would commonly recall if asked to a normal human.  To even ask oneself what coping really means is to engage in a willful act of preconscious existential Being-Alongside-Death.

When we cope with what I'll merely call the "World-as-Such", we are setting a series of willful engagements with the world.  The world, which is also not entirely known, is a vicious and dangerous place.
Often we cope with the world by coping with death, even though it is an act of living spirit.  The Geist, Mind or Spirit is not only ontically verifiable through self examination and the eidetic reduction as per phenomenology, but in fact constitutive of what it means to be an entity-in-the-world (Dasein). 

So the question it would seem is oblique...

What does a Dasein DO exactly when it engages with Being-Alonside-Death?

Well what it does is as the structure of Reason does universally, i.e. primordially cope.

Coping is no mere mechanism!

Primordial coping is simply ALL WE DO!

So looking at coping as the way a being often engages with Being-Alongside-Death reveals ultimately that "Death" is an issue that needs resolving.  Death is often pictured in literature and culture as a horrific hoodie clad being with no face.  How different is this conception of death from what actually in all facticity transpires when one goes from life to death?

Perhaps things such as moral malfeasance, the criminal black market, lack of discipline or self control in interpersonal relationships or even substance abuse disorder are constitutive of a kind of coping that has a certain kind of facticity due to the necessity of "Being-Alongside-Death".  Perhaps the best way to verstehen coping is to circumspect with intentionality about the ontology of the structure which death gives to every Dasein.

Life is the positive structure of Death,
just as
Death is the negative structure of Life.


So when we cope with our own death (other peoples deaths are unimportant for this examination as we can never know what the experience of death is to another Dasein),
we should revel in our own ignorance about the primordiality of Being-Toward-Death (our own utmost potentiality) and existentially come to responsible and moral conclusions as the willful act of our coping with the world-as-such.


Monday, August 5, 2019

El Paso Shooter Certain to Get Death Penalty: "Only Good News I've Heard" Says DDU Founder

Some gun owners out there must surely feel existentially alienated after the shooting in El Paso that took 31 innocent lives, including children...

I have to say,
the worst thing about this slime mold who shot up a Walmart (of all places), is that he shot at and killed CHILDREN~

I think we may all, for once, be vindicated in justice.
Texas is the most pro-death penalty state in our republic,
and the anti-christ shooter who executed innocent children is sure to receive the highest penalty administered by law - the death penalty.

I don't want to revel in the whole "Kill The Killer" thing,
but this man should not only be executed lawfully and justly?
But he should be hanged...

There are,
the last time I checked,
still states that use hanging as a way of putting people on death row down.

I just hope we can lynch this guy instead of the decidedly more humane gassing or lethal injection.

His sure demise by state sanctioned execution is really the only positive thing I've heard come out of this tragedy so far.

But I return to gun owners perhaps feeling a bit disturbed by this shooting in El Paso.

The shooter (who in his jail outfit looked like a total dishrag) was clad in basic "firing range" regalia!

I mean, imagine how responsible gun owners who go to firing ranges must feel right now!?!?!

Think about how I feel!?!??!

I mean this douchebag turd sandwich dishrag even had a MANIFESTO!

Seems to me that this man had a very simple MO (Modus Operandi).

He wanted to start some kind of revolution, clearly.

It's not uncommon for people with narcissistic tendencies to think the entire world is in the state of an inevitable full on revolution, and that THEY are going to start off the revolution by murdering people (hence then they would assume everyone like them will join with the ideology of their manifesto and have a violent revolution).

The only loose thread in this argument is that a republican is president and Texas, the state in which it occurred, is a predominantly red state...

Perhaps he was just a xenophobe with a gun and nothing to loose...

I don't know for sure...

But I - for one - am voting New Founding Fathers in the coming election-

The only party with sensible legislation on taxidermy rights and televised executions of mass shooters!


DDU 2019

Monday, July 22, 2019

British Oil Tanker Attacked by Iran: "Can We Continue Any Further?"

I believe that strikes on our Economic & Industrial personnel will continue,
long into this parade!

Did anyone see the footage - released by the nation state of Iran - of ski-mask clad personnel taking over the British oil tanker?
We will continue on and on until we intervene!

This recent attack on this British Oil tanker will show us and all of our allies that we cannot continue in this way...  At some point, we will have to take action...
And despite my former plea for peace - I think, we will, as a nation - see this construct of confluence continuing until our military will and SHOULD strike back...

It's one thing to bomb OUR tankers.
But to take over a British tanker and hold the patriots hostage WILL lead to a confrontation with Iran...

I don't want war with Iran.

But it seems to me that we may HAVE TO GO TO WAR with Iran because of this last incident of the taking over of a British oil tanker in the Middle East.

The media is in all-out blackout mode,
unwilling to promulgate the confrontation by Iran.

Let's just say this...

If this continues into the future - these kinds of unwarranted confrontations of western interests - we will inevitably see all out war with Iran, the Taliban and Al-Queda in the middle east spiral out of control...

I say -
Let's nip them off at the bud!
No more of becoming victims to an Iranian consulate...

Let's all brace for war - and embrace the future profits we can get from this!

I for one am not frightened by the video of an Iranian group descending onto the British tanker in ski masks, and you shouldn't be either!

I was staying at a house late at night one time and I heard some glass crinkling in the bathroom near my studio outpost...


And what I saw was a large male entering through my bathroom window wearing a ski mask and track suit coming into my house through the window...

Like many Americans,
Was not scared.

I just punched and kicked and screamed and shouted!

As soon as the ski masked invader was coming IN the window -
He went the fuck OUT the window....
I mean what would you do if a 6 foot 2 dude in a bikers jacket with a 22. came at YOU?

I will forever defend my homeland in this respect.

And I'm telling you -


and Trump

Ain't Skeered!!!

Bring your fucking ski mask hit squad you fucking gun running faggots!


And I think this recent event in the Gulf typifies this...


DDU 2019

Friday, July 19, 2019

CRUSADE FOR TRUMP: "A New Capital in Jerusalem"

Dear America,
You're going nuts presently while our troops are fighting overseas and our boys in uniform are literally risking their lives for every godfearing citizen of this country's safety.


You need to remember something...

We - the people - elected trump and your dipshit fail of a nominee didn't win.

It wasn't obstruction.

It wasn't Russian collusion.

It was the lack of a party the D.E.M. has come to embody in our current zeitgeist.

How your party has fallen into disrepair.
How the democrat party has become synonymous with communism.
How your party has failed through conformist dialectical materialism once again...

Liberal America,
We, the adherents of this Grand Ole' Party, have come to distrust your political affiliation so severely that many on the right are getting sincerely disconcerted.

What is causing the fall of America,
More than the leftist hegemony?

I'll say one thing for them...
At least they aren't Iranians!

But besides another plea for peace with Iran (let's make 'em rich if that's an option),
Here is a plea for something much more dubious to the self hating Left...

That is,
Let's all,
As crusaders for Christ,
Literally take the land and property of Jerusalem BACK from the palestinians and dedicate it's holy blessing BACK to Israel and the West proper!

Let's do it!

We can get 'er done!

Let's all,
in the most hawkish sense of the word,
dedicate ourselves anew to the revitalization of Jerusalem!


DDU 2019

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Domestic Terror Threat on Independence Day: "What? Me? Worry?"

Greetings Ya'll!!

I'm down south in the sunny state of North Carolina.
And despite wishing any of the regular readers a happy 4th of July,
I'd like to comment briefly on the elephant in the room...
That is, the potential for a major terrorist attack on independence day.
I believe, with 99.8 % accuracy that we won't see any shootings or domestic terror today...

No one can be sure about what happens overseas,
but I wouldn't get too riled up about domestic terrorism.
I mean, Mr. Don Don has a very hawkish view on domestic terrorism and a surprisingly dove-like approach to foreign policy...
I think that with Trump at the helm,
we can all rest assured that there won't be ANY domestic terror attacks on this
the day of our lord
the 4th of July
Don't Doubt Me

Domestic Democracy United 2019

Friday, June 28, 2019

DDU PRESS RELEASE: Trump Keeps U.S. Safe From Terrorism

Our fair POTUS Mr. Trump seems to have taken his duties in the Oval office seriously.

I believe,
despite my predicting a large scale terrorist attack before the dispute with Iran,
That the "9/11 style attack" I predicted - though come to life in the bombing of our oil tankers in the gulf of Oman - has been prevented by our grand security apparatus under Mr. Trump's leadership...

I believe, now, that we will not see a large scale terror attack in the U.S.

I believe that one muslim terror attack in the U.S. (which got minimal media coverage) was stopped by our governments' intervention.  I can't recall the details of this ONE terrorist stopped in his tracks solely because of the due diligence of our governmental leadership.

Knowing this,
I believe as long as Trump is head of our country, we will not see another "9/11 style attack" on our soil.

If there are any terrorist plots amiss,
I believe our gov'ment CAN and SHALL stop them.

Further my last press release/blogosphere entry calling for peace with Iran has, indeed, been heeded by our president in the instance of his calling off air strikes on Iran at the last instant.

As Ron Paul said recently in a Tweet,
Despite the propaganda the majority of our country does decidedly NOT want war.

We have - in my honest assessment - had our fill of that!

So I would merely like to say to all of our leaders and readers alike that I know that Trump will keep us safe from Islamicist terror.  You can bet money on this assertion.

I blogged quite sometime ago on Politalk, Domestic Democracy United's blog site, that with Trump at the helm of our great nations' security departments that we would be in a great position to stop terrorism in a way that Obama seems to have been incapable of.

I think that is proving true...

All I can hope and pray for is that Iran doesn't extend it's aggressive foreign policy regarding Western interests any further.

We surely don't desire war as a country, as a nation or as a peoples~

But if ANY American lives are lost as a result of Iranian aggression,
I believe the red line Trump drew in the sand is Law.

The Law of Trump's word.

So let's all show some support for a man that can be hard for people to stomach at times in his cocky demeanor.

The more we pray for peace...

The more we pray for our boys in uniform...

The more we pray for our intelligence operatives near and far...

The safer we will all, in the entire world, become.

Domestic Democracy United 2019

Monday, June 17, 2019

A Plea for Peace: "Let's All NOT Nuke Iran"

My Messiah, Jesus Christ, once proclaimed that if an enemy strike your cheek - proffer him the other cheek.

I think this bit of historical fact about the words of Christ should be followed in our foreign policy regarding Iran, and their deleterious intervention into our trade affairs in the Gulf of Oman...

I can truly tell that the American zeitgeist regarding relations with Iran are not only strained, but many people - whether vocally or not - are currently fixated with WW3 and war with the Iranian nation state.
I think it's a mistake.

Let's all remember that the MARXIST ISLAMISTS in the Iranian caliphate are not representative of the Iranian public.

Some of the hardcore islamist caliphate maybe, but the majority of Iran is not only a good peoples but civilized in the highest respect.  I've even heard of Iranian "heavy metal" bands, and I - for one - agree with many aspects of the overall religion of peace as well as their Holy Book, The Koran.

We should not appear war hungry as a populous,
yet it would seem everywhere the average American is confronted with the sin of wanting War as such.


Let's not give into such idle speculation,
especially amongst the civilian class...

TRUMP: "We don't want to 'hurt' Iran!"

I think his simple dialectic of democracy in the present age is right and true.

Obviously if Iran bombs Israel or something like that we will have no choice but to intervene.
But let's all in our own responsibility towards the mode of the present age decline from fear mongering or especially war mongering.

Generally the voices that call for the whole "NUKE THE MIDDLE EAST" narrative (and it is a 'narrative') are civilians who won't go overseas to fight or even have friends or family who would sacrifice their lives in a knock-down drag-out war such as would be between the U.S. and Iran.

I even have reporting on the ground from a former FBI operative who said this could potentially be the WW3 conflict between the U.S. and Europe vs. Russia and China played out in the middle east!
I hope that was just idle academic speculation!

I don't think anybody reasonable WANTS war with Iran...
Including the man Don Trump himself!

I think,
as opposed to Barack Obama's unmanned drone strike crusade,
That Trump's "We don't want to hurt Iran" position - while maybe not satisfying his hawkish Fox News fed base - is the right foreign policy for this matter of global import.  Seriously consider what nuking Iran would mean for innocent civilian casualties.  Seriously consider what an all out "Boots on the Ground" style war with Iran would mean for our young soldier elites in the middle east.

Trump is not a nation builder, as he stated on the campaign trail.  He does not, as Executor, want wanton death without purpose!

But let it be said...

If there IS a major bomb strike against Israel,

Domestic Democracy United 2019

Friday, June 14, 2019

DDU Predicted the Gulf of Oman Attack

From my last blog entry:
"I predict that we will - in the next several months or so - see a near 9/11 style terrorist attack."

I ended my last diatribe against the malfeasances of the left with this dire prediction, and now look at how accurate I was - The Iranians bombed our tankers in the Gulf of Oman!

I just am concerned that perhaps that was only the start of it...

This attack by Iran is absolutely outrageous.  I hope they understand that by picking battles with the U.S. they are putting the citizens of Iran (not all of whom are bad people) in danger.  It's irresponsible and an act of aggression that knows no precedent.  

All of this Iranian aggression in the middle east after Obama acquiesced to Iran and withdrew sanctions on what was and remains an enemy of every godfearing citizen of this great nation and what we stand for!

Good going douche...

I'd just like to end this short update with a simple extension of my last prediction-

Perhaps the Gulf of Oman attack is only the beginning~

Domestic Democracy United 2019

Friday, June 7, 2019

Extremist Liberal Pathology: How the Brute Neurosis of the Left is Endangering Civilization

It really irks me sometimes;
The "all too human" vile and base nature of the majority of leftists and democrat stooges across the U.S., you know?

I mean look around you - leftist Baby Boomers, Gen Xers, Millennials and now Gen Zers in America and yae their multi-culti ideological cohorts across the unenlightened "untermensch" left worldwide is - now as I type these words - causing the worst EXTREME breakdown of Western Civilization as we've known it since the Founders and Framers drafted the founding documents of the brightest beacon for mankind the world has ever known - America.

But it seems in the present age all I see personally in the enslaved left is psychologically reducible standard neurosis so extreme in some cases that it near amounts to quasi-criminal pathology!

It's like ~


We are 1) at war and 2) STILL in a state of emergency (a claim I debated with a communist dullard and I verified his incorrect feeling of security was false) and 3) facing a cultural meltdown primarily due to all of the lovely and expensive "Golden Calves" people fixate themselves with- again - to the detriment of civilization and 4) the threat of more and more murder due to the present geist's neurotic pathology.  It seems to me to be growing at a rate which could indicate almost a complete "Fall" of Western Civilization and it's peoples right to not suffer undue injustice at the hands of sycophants!~

People, I'd guess, don't need to worry about philosophical or theological responsibility and bring their commitment to Honor, Majesty and the Traditions of our forefathers and ancestors who are no doubt spinning in their graves at the young and old in the present age to the forefront of their conscience, right?

Why not just let Marxist consumerism take over the planet?
I for one am ready for them to simply sap and impurify the soul right out of real existence!

That to me seems to be the crux of the conspiracy theory side of my tin foil hat wearing rant here...

It's Marxism, or Communism or even Socialism that is really to blame for the moral degradation and degeneracy of humans of leftist thought and affiliation.  I.E. - Consumerism!

I was going on about the "Golden Calf" that it would seem is implanted into every godfearing member of the present age's skull (I mean look at it - I "Pad"s I "Pod"s etc.  It's "I"dolatry if you ask me), and I feel the overwhelming obsession with material possessions in our country is pretty simply explained by my idea that Marx's ideology (I refuse to call it philosophy proper), which is best known academically as "Dialectical Materialism", is turning all of the untermensches in my once great nation into SLAVES~

Just think of this for a moment-

G.W.F. Hegel had his oft misrepresented "Dialectic" (thesis, antithesis synthesis) basically STOLEN by this evil kike Marx-

Hegel believed that the one thing that gave his often paradoxical philosophical prose substance was how the "Dialectic" as such was unified by SPIRIT...
Or properly understood, the Christian conception of the SOUL...

Well this fucking bearded anti-christ Marx took the revolutionary aspects of Hegel's formulation and simply removed the most important unifying philosophical/theological aspect of the SPIRIT and replaced it with "Materialism".

Don't think about it too much, just follow me here-

I often go on in this blog about the malfeasances of the "Lamestream" media, and my main point is that the elite secret society "ubermensches" who run what we take a bath in every day - THE NEWS - are either die hard commies or quasi-socialist extremists... in all honesty, just look at the major subversion of society and yae western civilization that we see in the propaganda families and individuals are force fed every day...  Not just on T.V. though; on the Internet, on the Radio, in Academia and in the everyday conversations of the brainwashed "untermensch" common citizen of their country!

It's as though the hardcore communist ideology that is so prominent ever since the cultural revolution of the 60's (and trust me~ Those hippies really DID want full on REVOLUTION in 1968) is a great giant octopus-like entity that really DOES want to do what the main tenet of the communist party (as verified by documents seized in europe by the CIA) believes in at the deepest reaches of their souls (if they even have a soul anymore) which is:

A) Complete overthrow of Democracies worldwide, execution of White Nationalists and traditionalist patriots, and a "synthesis" of sorts where our founding fathers dream for America is replaced by a full on Communist Dictatorship.

I must admit,
It seems to be working and pretty voraciously effectively in my honest opinion.

What I don't think our wanna-be masters in the world of secret societies of power and influence really understand is that giving our media and other institutions over to Quasi-Marxist Socialists and such is - (my final point here) de facto - Endangering Civilization!

Not just in a theoretical sense;
I mean, all this communism/socialism in the lamestream media and it's oldschool "Prankster"-esque Modus Operandi is literally putting innocent civilians lives at risk...

I'll let you imagine the ways in which this could or probably will occur-

So I'll end this rant here- thanks for reading, because I value every single reader of Politalk who finds anything redemptive about my personal DDU politik~

I predict that we will - in the next several months or so - see a near 9/11 style terrorist attack.

The only people who can stop it are the individual citizens of the world community who believe in morality, ethics and yae GOD (something I can't say for Marxists)~
Yet it would seem that the majority of citizens in a position to take a stand for something righteous are simply sticking their head in the sand regarding just how viciously violent the real world can get...

...and I predict~

Friday, May 31, 2019

On the Abortion Crisis

Abortion is, in some sense at least, a form of genocide...

I merely state this firstly as a way of letting readers know I agree with and actively reaffirm the new statutes being advanced by states in the bible belt and mid-west regarding the "Beating Heart" law.

According to Sean Hannity in his great read "Conservative Victory" he presents the facts of the genocide that planned parent hood commits against the innocent unborn every day of the week, 12 months a year...

That is roughly 5,000 abortions are performed in America every day!

That to me in all honesty implicates the government in an act of Genocide.
And states such as Alabama and Louisiana are taking important steps toward the vindication of the original Christian principles of this great republic.

Let's ignore, for the sake of discussion, the two most commonly pro-choice platforms advanced by advocates of abortion...  that is, "Back Alley Abortions" and the whole "Rape and Incest" talking point.

Let's just get this straight...

The main point is the platform of the "Beating Heart Law".

The proposal would limit the right to have an abortion after the fetus has a detectable heartbeat.

This is solid sound and sane legislation in the opin' of Domestic Democracy United.

The heart of a fetus starts beating at roughly 5 or 6 weeks in-

That is just enough time for a single sexually active female to realize that she's missed her period (the first sign of pregnancy) and get a pregnancy test.  That affords both the right to choice crowd a little leeway whilst stopping something that I think constitutes MURDER.

I once quipped to a liberal friend of mine that the question is not of a females right to her own body and health choices as such... the question is~
"Is the act of aborting a fetus murder?"

The question revolving around the morality of "murder-as-such" is crucial in understanding why people on the right choose the impassioned stance of "RIGHT TO LIFE".

If it's not murder,
then abortion is fine and completely moral.
But if it IS - in fact - murder,
then I don't see how any moral citizen could support it.

So the "Beating Heart Law" is surprisingly reasonable in a sense.

We say, simply, that if the baby inside of the mothers womb hasn't developed a "HEARTBEAT", then abortion can be legally and responsibly performed.

But if there is a heartbeat,
I believe the conservative politicians deep south are saying that this "beating of a human heart" constitutes LIFE-AS-SUCH, therefore terminating that life constitutes murder.

Yet the left and the RINO's who just refuse to "GET IT", repeatedly proffer the same old "rape and incest" phenomenon to justify impugning the character of right-to-lifers!

Give me a break!

Anyhow, that's the point I'd like to make on this crisis in healthcare that is the legal murder of innocent ensouled human beings...

But I'll leave this entry with a short story that I've blogged about previously yet bears repeating~

"I was once seated in a BIO 101 classroom on the first day of class proper.  I am an ardent note taker and pay attention to every bit of information presented in class scrupulously.  So I'm taking notes from the projector with slides being shone onto the front of the class-  then I see it...

A slide that says, AND I QUOTE:

"The world is overpopulated and to deal with the environmental crisis of overpopulation we in the scientific community should find ways to decrease the population."

or something to that effect.

I was shocked.
How anti human can you be.  I mean, I'd expect that kind of rhetoric from Neo-Hegelian Aussie Eugenicist Peter Singer (who not only is for post-birth abortions but believes that animals should have more rights than humans), but in a BIO 101 classroom?

I immediately dropped the class and never looked back...

All I can say now is~
Academia is often full of Eugenicist theory, and I merely hope the generation of youths attempting to do right for themselves by pursuing higher education don't just swallow all this garbage whole.  I mean, What?
Should we have more abortions to impact global warming?
Guess we have to save the maldives by making sure people don't give off too harmful of a carbon footprint!

Give me a break, seriously.

Every ensouled being deserves the right to the equivocally liberating principles of LIFE, LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS.

Let's all of us, right or left, get realistic about abortion and the eugenicist quasi-"gas chambers" of planned parenthood (not even mentioning the whole controversy around planned parenthood offering fetal parts on the black market...)!

That is,
then you must concede that we as christian tea partiers must take decisive action...
and further
Then we should get realistic about preventative care...
Then we should take a hard look at how early on the development of LIFE-AS-SUCH begins, and be reasonable about how our sometimes gut-check one way ratchet worldview conflicts with the LAW.

DDU 2019

Monday, May 13, 2019



by john fund of the national review...

"To stand athwart history shouting 'No'."

Monday, May 6, 2019

The Existentialism of the G.O.P.

Post-Deconstructionism posits that the being of entities in the world is constituted by the existentialist ethic of responsibility.  The responsibility of being toward death...

As such, our being is always constituted by our own utmost potentiality for being, that is - DEATH.

It's not exactly the most morbid consideration in the world, considering how alienated the majority of society is.  The fact is, people crave death.  That's why people go to horror shows...

We want to confront death.

We feel the pulse of death in our living hearts.

We will all die.

When one considers responsibility in this light, it surely must be apparent that we are all existentially constituted in this state of Being-Toward-Death...

Trump understands this,
I believe, philosophically and spiritually.

He is the most realistic about wanton death,
a tragedy that we surely must all have due recompense in.

Remember how hawkish the DEM got about withdrawing troops from Syria?

Our POTUS doesn't want wanton death for no cause!

Because Trump believes in purpose...
The purpose of Tradition.

Let's all support the military and police, yes...

But let's not give in to the Obama era ethic of unmanned drone strikes.

We don't want anyone to die, in all honesty!

But the DEM media paint's repubs as typifying ignorance and war mongering...

To me, the only war mongers are the "DEAD TO REALITY" wanna-be patriotic DEM's.

DDU 2019

Friday, April 26, 2019

EXCLUSIVE VID ON MONUMENTAL DEBATE IN NC: Confed'rate Monument - Left Wing Hippies Vs. Tea Party Patriots

*EDIT - apologies for the shoddy audio.  It should work in one channel of stereo though.

In accordance with the public zeitgeist in America regarding white nationalism, white supremacy and southern comfort & pride as such, I'd like to present this video of an official debate in my home country of Chatham had regarding our local Confederate monument outside of the historic courthouse downtown.

I decided to cover this conference at our Agriculture building on a spur of the moment.
When I learned there would be an official inquiry and citizen forum to debate the issue, I knew I must document it for my SUPERpac Domestic Democracy United.

Here it is,
and I hope you enjoy the footage!

DDU 2019

Monday, April 22, 2019

Spring Blooms; Fighting Season Starts

For all of our many servicemen in the line of Duty at the moment, I'd merely like to send a request out for prayer...
Pray for our intelligence operatives and servicemen overseas risking their lives for the ultimate cause of capitalism and Democracy as such.
We have a responsibility to promote Democracy in Iraq, pakistan, afghanistan and beyond in the eastern european Nation State of the Ukraine.

We simply must keep all those in the harms way of war at the peak of our existential consciousness of responsibility,
and I believe,
that we shall see an even discourse coming soon...
Even "as such".
But with the Mueller report out,
We surely must see clearly and transparently that Trump has been 'exonerated' of all Russian collusion.

Now there truly must be a 'co-intel pro'- like strategum going on in the executive office to clearly look into collusion between the D.E.M. and the former Soviet Republic.  I truly hope Trump can suss out the rats in the deep state and rally the republic around his platform.  Let's all say a big 'HIP HIP HUZZAH' for Trump.

He has been vindicated...

By the mueller report...
And it now seems that the lamestream media is backing off a fair amount and aiming for their revenue.


But I continue to fight for Freedom, Justice, Democracy and Liberty!

Why are so many on the Left silent when it comes to the founding documents?
Because they implicitly believe that "Philosophy and Theology" as such are to be deemed historical antiquities and "Ideology" in the drive-by media seems to be the norm!

I've blogged previously on the debate around the Confed'rate monument in my hometown, and
I'd just like to say to all those who keep up with politalk, your support is seriously appreciated!

I'll be airing on POLITALK very soon footage of the debate that ensued... including some shots of the memorial downtown surrounded by Tea Party patriots!

Here's to DDU!!!
Let's all do what we can to advance democracy as such (in-and-of-itself)!

RT STILLWELL 2019 Domestic Democracy United

Friday, April 12, 2019

The Region of Law

There is no purpose to a society who repudiates "Law".
The meaning of the season is the regionality of law.

Say you're driving down the road, or walking on the street, or otherwise minding your own business???

the constitution has your enumerated rights drawn out for you!

Lawfulness and the region of an Adam Smithian invisible hand has the dominion of our fair republic...

Think about region, proximally and for the most part, in terms of the repudiation of Cartesianism as a kind of being-in-the-world which has for itself a being outside of the mundane stupor.  We all feel justice shall be done, one way or the other.  
If region is not completely under the sovereignty of god, then we are surely lost.
Comporting oneself in terms of one's regionality is absurd, as the a priori first purpose often tends to the garments of those in positions of power and leniency.

Law and proximity appear to be the one known state of the conscious mind,
and when we digress from the manna of heaven,
we retract from the wholeness of God!

I often presuppose certain principles to the effect of offering a kind of
command to the agnostics.

that is,
If you really don't believe,

I dare you!

Breadan O'Connell 
DDU 2019

Sunday, April 7, 2019


there has been a deplorable lack of spirit amongst the drab middle american sections of our society.

people succumb to dreariness and nihilism...

Why believe in anything at all when our entire lives are meaningless?  When there is no ultimate point to life...
Why not just give up!
Why not just stop trying to be positive and just drolly go by your rote actions day by day with a kind of dreary conformity...

This would work just fine, I'd suppose - "pragmatically".

But I posit, in antithesis to this existential nihilism,


Which translates as "purposiveness" or things, lives, beings, time and space as having a "purpose".

Post-Modernism as well as the current public zeitgeist seems to have banished teleology and purposiveness to the trash dumpsters of history....

But I'v been dumpster diving in the facts relegated to the back heap of history-

...and let me tell you.


...and any nihilist who tries to confound us into a po-mo feeling of purposelessness  is doing an active disservice to the founding spirit of the United States of America!

Our founders truly believed, even Hume, in some kind of teleological purposiveness,

the purpose of FREEDOM

the purpose of JUSTICE

the purpose of LIBERTY

the purpose of DEMOCRACY

Democracy became our treasure trove of independence from a brutal monarchy who merely wanted to extract value from afar off....  we should be wary of that sort of thing now adays!
So what I say to you in this current state of emergency is that the purpose of our lives may get a little weird...

"But when the going gets weird,
the weird turn pro."
- Hunter S. Thompson

Friday, April 5, 2019

I'LL BE HANDING THIS OUT @ EMOTIONAL HARDCORE SHOWS ASAP - Non political music writeup I hope to use to try and get gigs at upcoming indie rock shows.

@ dude/dudette/musician/promotor/sceneperson
promotional contents for your consideration

PROMO Long Play Compact Disc (25 tracks)
Labels: Legs Akimbo Records UK, Slime City Records UK, ENDE Records AUS and Digital Gabba Recordings BEL + Minos Battery Recordings USA

----if you are in fact in one of the bands or scene kids that I gave this to in hopes of getting booked to do opening intermission and closing sets of my originals at a rock event…. one last word on my credentials as a dyed in the wool punk rawk musician deserving his CBGB's moment and a dude who is passionate about performing somewhere other than the soulless vacuous rave/club scene (My last big residency was Southland Ballroom); -------
I'd love any opportunity to play even the smallest house party or pub night, and the charge for bringing my ABSOLUTELY NUTZO stage performance as well as my JBL M Pro speaker and DJ console is, as always, %100 free!
If you listen to this compact disc and think my tracks rock don't like think yr fucking special or something and fucking bother me unless yr a skinny mini scene girl with a job or some big bucks album distributor who can fuck up all the momentum and everything I had going like GEFFEN did The Starting Line….
prank calls to 919 444 4525 are teh rawkz

"Emo Headache is, to be truly frank, the nuttiest punk DJ with actual hardcore originals in NC and maybe even the entire eastern coast world of noise!"
-Eric Mcluhan
 original digi albums:
emo headache - variations on the devil (legs akimbo uk)
emo headache - gabbacore vol. 6 (demonic records belgium)
emo headache - flowers and cockroaches (legs akimbo uk)
'' - songs in the key of sheitan (banned)
'' - polka sucks (banned)
'' -gospel sucks (banned)
" - squatter bum (banned)
'' - primordial connection (banned in AUS)
'' - tweenstar (LEGS-NET UK)
'' - emo sucks (LEG-NET UK)
….and my most recent album….
Emo Headache - A Final 'Fuck You' (2019)
+ many more tracks released globally as singles on compilations +

Hated in the USA *disclaimer* *disclaimer* *disclaimer* *disclaimer* 

Emo Headache gabber tracks are literally HATED AND BANNED globally!!!  Ask Emo what he thinks… 
While we all drink and smoke and get fucked up again and again and again.

Hated in the USA *disclaimer* *disclaimer* *disclaimer* *disclaimer* 

I guess people complained so I've, as an underground composer, truly seen censorship first hand.  Sometimes I censor myself, sometimes labels who seemed cool enough at the time feel impelled to shut me down.  For example, one of the blithest and most generic labels and genres for what I'm sure any punk musician out there is loathe to book for any show THEY'D want to promote- breakcore - decided to do the whole electronica e thug "WE WILL SHUT YOU DOWN" BS for my e headache releases just for the use of hatespeech on my Tweenstar LP.  
I literally had some pissant producer scum from one of the most well known labels in their little pathetic wanna be rawkish but in fact definitively elitist ravemusic scene known as "Breakcore" tattle tale around to labels I had released on in order to shut me down and ban my albums!

Yeah thanks for the years of great music Peace Off Records!  wow~ 

When they gave me a hard time via IM I responded "I listen to punk!  I don't even fucking make nor enjoy breakcore!  Have a sausage party circle jerk to squarepusher for all I care ya'll fucking discoteq chunks of yankee breaksplooge"

I don't think of what I make to really be electronica tbh.  I mean- yes, I compose/juxtapose it all with a non linear sequencer so its not exactly live rock (which is hard as fuck to actually perform + I respect true pop punk performers far more than all the little darkstep + edm savants out there.), but my Emo Headache stuff rarely if ever utilizes soft-synths, vst's or any plug-ins whatsoever - plus, I do actually sing original vocals and play rhythm guitar on some tracks.

I only include this to be honest about where I and my heroes the offspring, johnny ramone or ac/dc etc. originated- 
on the streets of the good ole' USA…  God bless her!

I'm considered by those familiar with my notoriety globally to be a bad person.
I am.
I've got red laces I earned from a gutter fight defending my punk girl at a dive in downtown Raleigh and a bikers jacket that I wear, y'know, during the daytime or whatever, but just 'cause I'm making punk mashups that don't fit to yr corporatized little uber genre of safe n friendly breakcore (which has always been the- "oh we're the punk form of electronica'" wannabe-punk-genre for decades before dubstep took the #1 poseur mantle) and samples shit that's not pc or sounds unconventional or lo fi or whatever doesn't mean you should waste yr time trying to fight me and censor my musical creations!
~What kind of instinct is that?  
~The instinct to censor others' works?

"I had been developing one of my most intensely worked on albums made so far in my discography - Tweenstar LP [my 5th full length].  I had been bouncing noise through a tube amplifier and recording to regular cassette tape, which I would then bury in the dirt and mud and gunk for several days.  Upon listening to the dug up recording on cassette- I knew with this album my organic noise genre influenced style could offer the punk rock scene a sound that it has really always been keen too- that is, Experimental noise…
  Tweenstar LP is just track after track of radio disney tween punk mixed and mangled with R rated hate speech accompanied by fanned blasts of indeterminate noise n' gabber kicks n' punk drum bridges to give the radio disney tween base an ironic hardcore bite to what is really everything we love about good pop punk (r'n'b' bubblegum chords played distorted and fast) yet engineered in some expensive multi-million dollar studio for infants, children and pre-teens… 

ergo ipso EVIL RADIO DISNEY RELIKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SO, I'm sending the label owner in the UK these tracks as I'm finishing them and you could tell he was really on que with the implicit humor of the juxtaposition.  I thought of myself of being like Johnny Ramone or Dee Dee Ramone when they tried to get Ramones' hit single "I'm a Nazi Baby" released on Sire back in the heyday of punk.

                                                        One problem… 

It went too far, and the label censored the lyrics and censored the title of potentially one of the funniest and most hardcore of hardcore Ramones' tracks of all time which became "Today Your Love, Tomorrow The World".  
My label, LEGS-NET UK was at that time pretty racy with lots of pro-satan samples, wild horror sampling, and extratone so hardcore it turns Drum n Bass ravers' salty drum beat into dust.
Yet even being so extreme, Neil @ Legs Akimbo had to inform me that he couldn't release my one track Sig Heil Tween Style (hear it @ which juxtaposed 'Hannah Montana' Vocals with Ramones' Drums n' Hardcore Kicks followed by a long segment at the end juxing a speech Hitler gave about the Jew problem with the soundtrack to the indy film "Baracka" and D-Horror film "Wolfen 3" providing the aural texture for the hate speech. 

Funny?                                                         No?

Either way,
I, an Scotch-Irish-Anglo American in the US just trying to do something new with bubblegum and degenerate content for fun and silliness, was censored in a near identical way that had happened to the Ramones' "I'm A Nazi Baby" single.

That was the moment that I realized that I'm just like Johnny.
Johnny started a movement, and all he needed was to get his band's foot in the door to achieve superstardom. That's how good he was."

That's how I feel about my Emo Headache compositions and free emo/pop-punk.
It's not exactly like these guys got the promotion they deserved and probz earned little substantial wealth off of creating songs that entire generations of punks identify with and hold in their hearts!!!  Take virtually any indie emo band!
It ain't exactly the musical brand that's gonna get you rich frankly….

But the mainstream hegemony is hardly stopping us~
But the mainstream hegemony is hardly stopping us~
But the mainstream hegemony is hardly stopping us~
24/7 365 days a year~ Dial 919-444-4525 freely, ask for yours truly, Brendan Hooker, and I'm sure I can sell you on the value of a free music (as in no charge for service or providing a soundsystem) gig for your band or party or establishment ala' free party warehouse squat or conniving alcohol sales institution (reputable bar, decent music venue, or best of all crowded ornery dive bar with hungry metalheads bottling me for remixing the misfits) and I'll get my foot in the door in any building I can with original punk gabber relicks
no matter how rat infested
no matter how scene the clientele
no matter how against the odds an uncanny dj set of original compositions played out live might seem for a given show!
Just remember the last time you went to a venue, psyched to really rock.  You get there and all of a sudden- DAMNIT RANDOM SHITTY SHIT, LIMP DICK FAIL! Or the bands are switching gear and the midtro music is so fucking gay it ruins the vibe of the next act (been there)?  Or the worst, when everyone's chilling after the bands have played, "no more live music folks, but plenty of beer left for sale!" and the venue puts on fucking bruce springsteen crap or something to get rid of the drunks…

≈ Friend--- The answer is here ----


Brendan Hooker - Emo Headache - Bloodwolf - Cassette - MBR - LEGS-NET
919-444-4525 (feel free to harass me) +