Friday, November 22, 2019

On the Death of Structuralism

Structuralism (oft' called post-modernism) is a decidedly elite philosophy that appeared after Heidegger and Derrida destroyed the previous metaphysics and built a new structure around authorship as the dialectical Spirit.  Yet Spirit (geist in german) also translates as "Mind".

It seems that many of the early progenitors of Structuralism rejected, implicitly through out their writings, the idea of "Purpose-as-such".  To them the idea of a higher calling or a divinely inspired "purpose" seemed absurd and tragically out of step with the post-modern age....

Well now that post-modernism is dead,
We can all focus on taking the authorship and dialectic of the main originator of structuralism, Jean-Jacques Derrida, and return it back to it's roots in "Agrarian" ethics.  The philosophers of that time on the European continent had a great deal of respect for the rural and oft' times under-educated "man of the land".  It's even been said that throughout all of Heidegger's obtuse and oft' times difficult verbiage is a profound sense of explaining the conceptualization of "Common Sense" (as in the agrarian ideal of reason and logic) in distinctly abstract philosophical language.  Explaining the virtues of the farmer through philosophy proper.

I feel that in the years after Heidegger and Derrida philosophy basically, in a sense, collapsed under the weight of "Nihilism" or purposelessness-as-such.  Heidegger never wrote at all about morality or ethics, keeping his prose of philosophical import more attuned to the phenomeno-existential.  When he talks about two different kinds of being (the Ontological and the Ontical), or two different kinds of existentialism (the Existentiell and the Existential), he's delimiting the horizon upon which an apprehension of the Virtues of the Agrarian man, as the most everyday way in which one can approach the mysterious virtues of hermeneutics, can be understood.

So by making these primordial distinctions on the basis of Being vs. beings-as-such or the two different modes of phenomenal apprehension of the world as the existentiell and the existential, what the inherent morality of the author in fact is in facticity, comes out in the modus operandi of the authorship.

Later Po-Mo academic oxen seemed to take this lack of ethical rhetoric as an implicit denial of morality-as-such;
Yet the authors of the continent at the time, including Nietzsche, all seemed to succinctly reject the idea of absolute values not in favor of a kind of hipster existential nihilism but generally saw Passion as the main redemptive qualia of life.  With the leaps in technology and science at the time, it seems interesting that many of the black outfit clad po-mo cultists of the last century reject Marshall Mcluhan.  Around the time of Structuralism's prominence there was a great effort by many of the structuralists to explicitly reject the works of Mcluhan.

Well now that Mr. Mcluhan's (an early English lit professor who basically predicted the next 60 years of technological evolution) insights have proven to be unequivocally "on the mark", so to speak, perhaps we can inject a little "purpose-as-such" back into the publik dialectic.

I mean honestly,
Little counter-culturalist wanna be intellectuals rejecting all value in philosophy based on oxen like obedience to ethical nihilism all the while rejecting Teleological concerns?  They do very little of the hard work and deep study & thought of the philosophers on the continent.

Maybe there's no point or purpose to our world as the Structuralists say.... who knows?

But I think the 1960's/1970's era of Post-modernism has failed society, failed philosophy, failed the litmus test of virtue and now resides in the graveyard for forgotten intellectual movements of the past.

Let's all approach the world and our Being-in-it as a careful dialectician such as Derrida or Hegel would have done.  We should save no sacred cows...  What we need as philosophers is to revaluate all values of Post-Modernism and come to the conclusion that Existential Post-Deconstructionism is the horizon of the New philosophers.

Cheers friends,
Hope you find some meaning in my useless drivel!

Brendan O'Connell

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Friday, November 15, 2019

Slaughter at California School - DDU on Psychopathic Gunmen

Last thursday there was an armed attack at a school in Southern California, leaving a number of innocent people dead, injured and traumatized.

It's a horrid thing that occurred,
and none of us should give into the complacency regarding the "mass shooter" epidemic.

The fact is,
we may write off these incidences as just another day in paradise,
but I think it's important to remember:

"The loss of even one life is a quantifiable loss of life."

I mean think about just one person's death.  A single person tragically dying...

It's infinitely unjust, terribly sad, and eternally damnable by god.
I cannot imagine that many of these shooters are really Christian to be honest.
Sure the lamestream media attempts to tie every one of these tragic events in with Tea Party/Alt-Right folks, but I would wager a fair hand that the majority of these types of tragic mass shootings are not carried out for religious reasons...

But what is the M.O.?
The Modus Operandi?
A priori?

It's hard without tons of training in Criminology as such to really say for sure,
but I'd wager it was put best by Trump:  "These guys are losers."

I mean from the first big media spectacle coverage of Columbine up to the international terrorism of Bin Laden all the way up till today-  Could the motive be merely the motive of a "loser"?

It may be more complicated than that,
but I think some of the criminal pathology that leads to these types of "outbursts" may be psycho-sexual, to be frank.

in the real world,
losers have trouble getting laid...

Either because they're ugly or anti-social or perhaps they're simply isolated by the individualism of the Post - Structuralist age;
Either way I think it'd be interesting to see some more of the info on these mass shooters than we're generally given.

I mean,
what kind of music did they listen to (so I can avoid listening to that in the future)?
what books were they into (so I can read opposing authors)?
what was their web browser history (that's really the big one)?

But we never get that in the lamestream media.

All we get is, as I called it once, this blithe insinuation.

Unless they (as in the lamestream media) can tie the shooter to conservatism/republicanism and then all bets are off!

Perhaps the irresponsibility of journalism can cause this type of psycho-sexual isolation?
Who knows?

There's always violent video games...

I mean,
lets be honest...
Violent media can have a negative impact on people's morality;
esp. in this age...

Who knows..What I do know is we should all stand by our courageous Generation-Z school age young adults,
and pray for their safety.

We need peace.

Let's all do our part!

Brendan O'Connell
Domestic Democracy United 2019

Friday, November 8, 2019

On the Debate Over the Confed'rate Monument in Pittsboro, NC

I haven't much to say about the confederate monument in the center of our little oasis of a county seat, Pittsboro NC that hasn't been said already.  It's been picking up a strange gate of corporate coverage, but I can tell by their placing the news on Pittsboro always near the end of the news broadcast that it must surely still be a subject of great import!

I'd suppose I could sum up my own opinion on the matter in the words of an Elderly Chapel Hill man I interviewed during the debate at the Ag Center...  that is - "The Monument has been there damned near 100 years and it never bothered anybody."

I agree,
When we grew up in this area as school children no one really even commented on the statue and if the local Americans of African Heritage in Chatham had reservations about the monument they didn't say much about it earlier.

I don't know about you,
but something stinks about the whole affair.

I think there is definitely something rotten in Denmark...

...only instead of Denmark,

you know.


So I guess as a quasi local of P-Dot I can only ask,

"Why are people complaining now?"

Hard to say, but let's look at the situation as if it were a mathematical formula...


let me - without once again referencing 'racial threat' - merely state that the DOC and the Protesters on the right are far from Dylan Roof-like.  I mean just take a look!

But that does seem to be how folks on the left view it!

Dylan Roof was big into confederate counter-culture and killed Americans of African Descent in CHURCH!!!

"Hate Crime" hardly even covers it.

I mean what Dylan Roof (and other bad actors) did really does reflect on the confederate flag waving protesters in favor of the monument staying!
But let me tell you,
the truth is far from this socio-psychological blind spot.

Just because ONE person ruins it for everyone doesn't mean that the bad apple is representative of Republicans as a whole!  It's just the fact of the matter.

I liked what one Tea Party protester holding a confederate flag said to a young Black Lives Matter protester...

"I literally have a picture of Michael Jordan and **** ***** standing under Silent Sam (a monument that got trashed by anti-fa protesters in Orange Co.), two of the most prominent black men to ever play the sport in North Carolina."

And it's true!

The radical anti-fa is not constitutive of your average young counter culturalist just as Dylan Roof isn't constitutive of your average Tea Party Patriot.

We just need to get beyond all this cross-partisan confusion and tumult and get down to brass tax-

"What's best for the people of America?"

Domestic Democracy United 2019