Thursday, December 27, 2018

Antifa Muckrakers Vandalize Chatham Co. Confederate Memorial

My hometown is in Chatham County, NC.

It's the capitol of the county...  a little city called Pittsboro.
In the center of NC's piedmont region and a short jog away from the Triangle metro centre's, Pittsboro has been booming with growth in recent years.

Downtown there is a circle between two intersecting highways, with a relic in the centre.

An American flag next to an historical courthouse adjacent and a Confed'rate "north facing" statue for, what is entombed at the base, "The Forgotten Confederate Soldier".

I grew up in this southern city since my childhood, back when it was what Scotty McCreery called a "Water Tower Town".

I lived directly beneath this looming water tower in a tiny little house on Midway Street.

I could walk back from school with ease and comfort.

I could visit the local General Store and get snacks and caffeinated drinks comped on a tab that would be paid later by my hardworking parents.

I could roam freely, rollerblading around and exploring this little southern sanctuary of a city...

Well time passed and I moved away for the allure of bigger city's.

For years, I would travel back to my hometown and see that ole' statue, flag and courthouse and feel a profound sense of comfort and nostalgia.  Perhaps it's a little ludicrous and stodgy, but that north facing statue became part of my moral-ethico tradition.

Well after a span of time the county took that old water tower down- the workers mill across from our ole house on Midway Street closed down- and this little enclave of "Leave it to Beaver"-like naiveté became a flourishing and massively growing community of people coming here, more or less, from Yankee areas to work in the Triangle, a booming tech center and area of massive job growth in NC.

Now while i'm proud to be from below the Mason-Dixon, I harbor no anti-pathy towards our more northern charactered compatriots...

...granted they respect the traditions of our soil, of our land, and of the "local flora and fauna" that are our Christian traditions.

As a gonzo journalist with a keen observance of methods used in Private Investigation, I have a primordial hunch based on non-stated observed facts that the little Yank Antifa faction in this town have been waging assault on the confederate monument.

I was downtown, and saw someone seemed to have done this godawful act of vandalism- and I just choked with existential Nausea.

The gall of some little muckraker!

Probably some yankee antifa protesting living in his mothers den decided to deface the monument!  Guaranteed!

Maybe it was one of the many "Hippie" or "Yippie" factions in this town, sticking it to the "racist white oppressors".  If you ask me, defacing an historical monument IS racist white oppression.

It's all described in the socio-psychological term "racial threat".

The ignorant stooges see that confed'rate monument, see the pleathora of big evil gas guzzling SUV's and pick up trucks and see this mainstream southern christian culture not as a student of Southern Culture and History but with the sociologically zombie-like world view of the formerly occupy now antifa protester.

It's ludicrous.

The key to understanding this phenomena of the post-decustructionist zeitgeist is in an understanding of that term "Racial Threat" (i.e. the way in which someone could be discriminated against as being a racist by merely 'looking' like a racist), and how it applies to the kind of nostalgia I talked about having for my own tradition.
I have a kind of nostalgia for the town and state I was raised in.  I now remain tremendously respectful of the quasi-indiginous culture of the piedmont.  The piedmont region of North Carolina has it's own identification, but many of these imports from other regions ignore that and just use us as a dumping ground.

But let's return to the phenomenological concept of Nostalgia.

The nostalgia these yanks have is based in their multi-cultural and secular upbringing.  They have been taught in schools that whoever won the war, the civil war, is unimportant to assessing the bias of History-in-itself... to speak, the confederates in the South decidedly lost the war-

Meaning now the history books are written from the perspective of the Union cause.

It's all a bit drab,
But what I mean to say is the old addage "whoever wins the war writes the history books" is something for someone inclined to do so to consider seriously.

And I think the post-deconstructionist upgrade to this addage is "Whoever wins the war, controls the media".

So these braindead lametard democrats are just swallowing down media on TV, in schools, in newspapers, and ESPECIALLY on the internet that is merely the propaganda of the Yankee white conquerors who killed thousands upon thousands of poor white soldiers who fought for the very soil that many of these imports now live on.  It's ironic and decidedly impetuous this droll nostalgia white democrats have for ethnic, and yae- black culture.

If they had actually seen the reality of Ghetto's, gang crime and poverty they might lose some of that naive zombie-like ideology.

But yes,
I was saddened, horrified, and entirely vengefully and wrathfully angry when I discerned the the Chatham Co. Confed'rate monument had been vandalized by what we must presume are young, counter-cultural anti-fascist protesters.... not just once, but numerous times...

Maybe, if they're so angry at the racist KKK and Confederacy- they should, as opposed to petty crime, simply raise up arms against the fascist racist pigs and have themselves a little revolution!

That's clearly what they want!

all I can say is this... a man standing furious at the yankees...

"If you organize, and protest my monument...?
I will meet you there not as a journalist with a camera to document
but as a patriot with a can of mace to let you antifa yankees know,,,

That you....

are not....


Domestic Democracy United 2018

Friday, December 14, 2018

Fox News, France and Fundamentalism: The Tragedy and Due Recompense

The Islamist attack on a Christmas market in France is indicative of the current global zeitgeist in more than several ways...  I won't count the ways in which this incident is culturally relevant- but I think that the citizens of France are seeing first hand what happens when we try to fight terrorism but find ourselves altogether incapable of keeping the populous safe and secure.

It's such an astonishing example of islamist fundamentalism!

I mean this paki piece of human waste literally waged war on Christmas.

I say we send these fundamentalists a message by mass deporting anyone on the terrorist watchlist.  I mean, why do we have to watch our p's and q's around the civil liberties of a group that wants to see everything we stand for as Western peoples demolished?

Send em back!

We can't sit idly by while another one of these whacko shootings is either being planned currently or about to happen.  We need to take decisive Nationalist action in protection of our Homelands.

This paki bastard shot up a Christmas market!
It's beyond comprehension!

Why do WE have to be the victims.

I think it's time for Trump to stop playing defense and stand up to the challenges facing America, France and yea- the entire Western world.  It's time for bold reform that will stop the deaths of innocents this Christmas season and beyond.

We need to call a spade a spade when it clearly is one...

And that is to say,

The majority of Islamist terrorism is played out by young male islamists- often born in the ghettos of muslims.  There is no danger in asking if these muslim fundamentalists have a stake in OUR country- in OUR founding documents- in OUR form of government.

If not,
I don't see why we don't just send these paki bastards back to fucking goddamned pakistan or something.

Short of that,
Why not black bag every terrorist on the terrorist watchlist and interrogate them in Guitmo!

They clearly have disdain for Christians and the universal celebration of the Christmas season.

Why don't we teach them a hard lesson in how us "infidels" do thangs around here!

Thanks for turning to politalk once again,
the leading "alt-right" blog for all those "in the know".

God bless America,
and Viva le France!

Monday, December 3, 2018

Fear Unto Freedom: An Elegy for G.H.W. Bush

anglo-episcopo triumph of the fates
what freely begot the sovereign
never shall
never will
again sound amidst the flags half mast

G.H.W. Bush,
Perhaps a whip
Perhaps a crusader
Always triumphant,
to the very last end of all fear

Freedom shook where Bush trod,
Fear runs for the hill when bushes burn,
alone and forever
took to war what the noblesse
had much learned freely


All the legacy of an honorable gentleman and
oil tycoon to boot
Who rose up to fight
when the world forgot

Drink of the water
of life...


To be free amidst the assault,
with dignity and an eye for an eye
for recompense~

Hears to a lineage of legend
that cavorted on the
grassy greens of a misty early
golf course...

Let's drink to a man who taught his children's children
in the face

Flag's eternal shining


Domestic Democracy United 2018

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Neo Nazis in Ukraine Raise Arms Against Oppression

White Nationalists, some of them self proclaimed Neo Nazis, are taking up arms against Russian agitation within their sovereign state.  I, for one, commend them on their revolutionary vigor.

The Ukraine is struggling for independence and Trump is helping them.  As I type, Trump is at the G-20 summit~

I bet he is really sticking it to the Ruskies as Trump has made a bold stand in support of our Ukrainian friends; even going so far as to provide military support in the form of arming Ukrainian dissidents with the best the U.S. military industrial complex has to offer...

But we should all remember,
We have a stake in the Ukraine.  These freedom fighters truly want a Democracy with a capital "D".

And rumor has it that some, not all, of the Ukrainian Anti-Commie faction is decidedly of a white nationalist or "neo nazi" bent!

It takes courage to stand up against tyranny; and our Ukrainian allies surely have the grit to see this through to the ultimate victory for enumerated democracy.  I truly know and believe that we will win this war!

Because democracy is a universally sovereign force of the Will of God!

There is no stopping the Ukrainians from achieving liberty!  They will fight to the death against oppression, and - God Willing - will see triumph, victory and ultimate redemption through their courageous defiance of the despotic regime that is Putin's Russia.

If you are hesitant to go full on Pro-Ukraine Anti-Russia, I will merely proffer an example of how pervasive the treacherous ideology of Communism is in Mother Russia...

Apparently according to recent statistics more than 50 % of current Russian residents still feel positively about Stalin.  They even celebrate a holiday every year in honor of this mad butcher.

And to be perfectly frank,
Given the choice between Neo Nazi rebels and Pro Stalin tyrants I would much prefer the former.

In fact,
There were far more executions and downright murders committed during Stalins reign than under even the worst parts of the Nazi's so-called Holocaust...

It's true!

So if, in fact, the Ukrainian rebels have a white Nationalist or overall Alt-Right Neo Nazi base?

I say fucking let's all read some more Heidegger and fight the power!!!

Domestic Democracy United 2018

Monday, November 26, 2018

An Analysis of Christmas Theology: Old Testament vs. New Testament

No one is going to, with any certainty, dismiss the Hebrew Bible (or the Old Testament) altogether...

But I'm here to tell all of you not well into the message of The Word that I... as a United Methodist, believe something quite uncanny about the books of The Bible~

That is,
The Old Testament is like allegorical poetry more than fact; and the New testament is more like the transcriptions of the dialogues of Socrates by Plato than mere poetry.

That is to say,
That if you disbelieve the creation myth or the miracles of early theologians like Moses, there may well be good reason...

I see the Hebrew Bible as a kind of Passion Play about morality than an actual historical record of miracles and other events that have - ya know - ACTUALLY transpired...

But now we come to the New Testament.

It's much of kin to Plato's transcriptions of Socrates' life and death.

Plato incredibly transcribed the words of Socrates for all of humanity to learn from for the rest of the course of human history!

The same goes for the words, and deeds and yae~ miracles of what we're celebrating this Christmas...

That is, Christ.

Much like Socrates, Jesus Christ's words, moral codifications and yae! miracles are all of kind to any kind of historiography.

Jesus ACTUALLY proclaimed the moral codifications of the NT much as Socrates was ACTUALLY executed by the Athenian gov'ment by 'drinking the hemlock'.

These are all historical facts, and the facticity of the transcriptions of Christ's life in the NT are in fact even more factual than the liberties Plato took in some of his Dialogues.  To be sure, there are several accounts of the many stories in the NT, and with several authors all documenting this in The Bible certainly shows that if you admit that Socrates was a real person with real moral codifications than surely you must admit the same about the Life of Jesus Christ...

I don't mean to demean the prophets of the Hebrew Bible, but I really believe that most of the supposed 'facts' of the old testament never really truly occurred.

It's more of kin to a kind of quasi-moral prose.

But the New Testament cannot be denied!

I for one bear witness now and forever of the Truth of Jesus Christ and his life and death and - yae~ this christmas season his dear birth through what was ACTUALLY immaculate conception.

Speculate all you want on the origin stories cultures come up with...

But the New Testament is factual as per Plato and has and CAN be verified all the way through,,,'

So if you are inclined to not believe but still celebrate Christmas along with everyone else (whether we want to or not), I would merely say this~

Simply suspend your disbelief long enough this Christmas Season to believe - IN YOUR HEART OF HEARTS - in Mary's immaculate conception.

Trust me, stranger things have happened...

Just believe in the Virginity of Mary, and you too can have an appropriately passionate Christmas Season!


Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Crass Multiculturalist Commercialism Pervades - Reason to Give Thanks 101


I am so grateful that the globalists believe themselves to be the Law.

I feel infinitely thankful that the media is using the holiday season to sell bullshit corporatism - as per renaissance - to the dimwitted dullards tuned into the idiot box.

I'm so glad that there are more minorities in television commercials - hawking products.  These caricatures of minority citizens are clearly reflective of the minorities counter cultures.

I'm so proud of the fact that the original expeditions into the America's by intrepid explorers is overshadowed by my favorite holiday of all - BLACK FRIDAY.

I'm so glad that tidings of joy have been replaced by facile passive aggressiveness and micro aggressions  between conditioned joyless plebeians.

Goodness graciousness,  I am joyful beyond reproach that the time of the season of the birth of the messiah of mankind has been co-opted by soulless yuppie corporations selling us soulless satisfaction through the good old fashioned "shopping buzz".

I'm so glad and enthusiastic about the fact that even the lowest of the lower class still has money for Nike shoes and emblemed t-shirts.

I am enthralled with enthusiasm at the sad fact that while we watch the boob tube millions are starving all around the world.

I'm so happy because now that I know that the shooting in Chicago doesn't have to be reported on because of the celebration of BLACK FRIDAY-MAS it's clear that I have no need to worry.

It's truly wonderful that it's basically illegal to say "Merry Christmas".  I would much prefer the ultra-pc "Happy Holidays".

And finally,
I'm glad that global warming has finally been eliminated by taxing my own and others "carbon emissions".  I certainly wouldn't want my breath or car to cause this winters tit of a holiday to be any warmer.  That's for damn sure...  I can't stand temperate weather...  WE NEED TO SAVE THE MALDIVES BY TAXING CARBON EMISSIONS!!!

Yeah right.

Fuck the holiday crass commercialism.

Domestic Democracy United 2018

Monday, November 12, 2018

White Nationalism is a Constitutionally Protected Freedom

I'd suppose that the very phrase "white nationalism" tends to really bother the multi-culturalist secularist globalist hegemony;
Hence the headline.

But despite claims of prejudice and racism aside,  I'd merely like to remind anyone on the left the belief in or expression of white nationalism as such are constitutionally protected freedoms.

Yet if you look at the post-deconstructionist public zeitgeist one would think that not only is nationalism as such loathsome and immoral, but should be altogether banned from public discourse!  That would be a dire shame, if it were considered illegal or reprehensible publicly to be a white nationalist...

What is really so bad about white nationalism?

It certainly is protected freedom of expression and speech!

And isn't Nationalism; whether black, muslim (as in Iraqi citizens verifiable Iraqi nationalism), latino or any other ethnicity including caucasian, merely pride in and love of one's nation?

How could that be bad in any way whatsoever!

For example,
I am proud of my Anglo-Irish descent.  I'm proud of my blue eyes.  I'm proud of my family's history of coming from early crusaders such as Eleanor of Aquitaine and Charlemagne.

I have a right to be!

And the same goes for anyone else, in any country of any origin!
I support any peoples right to be proud of their heritage...

Yet why is the term "white nationalism" appearing to be so dangerous in the public zeitgeist?

mostly because of the 'world order' manufactured globalist media hegemony!

To them,
Proclaiming the sovereignty of our national borders and laws is undermining the globalist hegemony; the 'world order' as such.

Well I say fuck the world order.
I want decisions made for my life politically and pragmatically to be decided by my country of origin;
Not a bunch of elite zionist globalists with no care whatsoever for the common men and women of the United States!  I say cast em off and let em rot!

Do you really think the rest of the world is going to agree with and support in duty and sovereignty the enumerated rights of the average American citizen?

Judging from the way in which your average multi-culti secularist over seas views the American character I'd have to say, "Probably not"!

Yet one thing remains,
Which neo-Hegelaians have picked up on in their co-opting of Christian doctrine...

That is,
That 'PRIDE' is considered by the old Testament to be one of the 7 Deadly Sins.

Even Pope Gregory said that pride as such was "the deadliest sin".

Maybe not.

In terms of Nationalism being in some way 'immoral' because of theological considerations I would merely say that I believe that the word "Pride" in modern english is decidedly much different than the word "Pride" in aramaic or latin etc.

I would speculate that Pride as such in the old testament as a deadly sin probably comports more with the concept of 'pridefulness-as-such".  One can HAVE pride without being "prideful-as-such" (i.e. putting yourself and values before those of Jehovah or Yeshua etc.).

So I truly believe that one can have pride in one's origin and ancestors...
one can have pride in one's family and children...
one can have pride in one's favorite sports team...

And one can certainly and justifiably and even with complete individual sovereignty have pride in one's Nation.

So with that being said...

Please don't judge patriotic emotional engagement as somehow being wrong or immoral;
Because often times pride in THIS sense can be one of the most redemptive, important and constituent existential phenomena of Life itself.


Sunday, November 4, 2018

Let's Cock Rock The VOTE

Hell yes, let's cock rock the fuck out of this erection... er, election!

Let's all stick our dicks in the creamy mashed potatoes of DEMOCRACY and have a cock rock democracy party!!!

We'll all participate in the erection, er... election by cock rockin the vote!

Let's cock rock the fuck out of this bitch of an erection... er, election!


Let's cock rock the shit out of this bitch!


DDU 2018

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Samhain Synagogue Killings Occurs Amidst a Spike In Violence Nationwide

A keen eye on local and national news media can be very enlightening when put into statistics...  I don't have the exact figures! perhaps only federal and local law enforcement do~ but I would say from a simple review of shooting and violent crimes leading up to the celebration of Halloween (or "Samhain" proper) on the evening news that violent crime is on the rise, almost entirely because of the ancient druid celebration of Samhain.

One thing to consider amongst all of this ultra-violence (including but not limited to the so-called "Synagogue Massacre") is that around this time of year and season for centuries caucasians have been doing precisely this;  sacrificing people to god.

And a shooting such as this reeks of ancient druid Samhain celebratory sacrifice.

We all know how the parable of Abraham and Isaac taught Christians not to sacrifice people to god...  how sacrificing someone to god for something like Samhain is immoral, so to speak.

Despite that, considering the violence-at-hand one might speculate that this 'purge' is part of our ancestral tradition.  Druids used to sacrifice people to god for centuries, and perhaps that's still part of the caucasian (or anglo-norman) tradition.

I can see that much of the violence we see on the local "blood and guts" really reflects on just how HORRIFIC this halloween in this year of our lord, 2018, really is and may turn out to be.

I don't know we'll see.

So for the apparent 'purge' going on this halloween I urge all of you to BE SAFE!

...and may the odds be ever in your favor!


Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Islamists Like Osama and ISIL are- DE FACTO - Actually Marxist!

I've been going on about the communist threat in the media and deep state recently, and I would just like to note one thing - that should cause proto-marxists to disavow dialectical materialism for life!
That is, very often Islamists such as Osama Bin Laden are in fact studied and avowed communists/marxists...

It may sound hard to believe,
but in fact - Osama Bin Laden's 9/11 attack was part and parcel of the marxist strategy!
It's almost so obvious it's ludicrous!

Now you may be wondering how I made the leap from islamism to marxism - but BE WARNED:

I got this meme from a Teaching Company lecture called "The future of Terror" - in which the lecturer goes on to describe how Bin Laden studied Marx in London and took communist teachings back to the middle east as a disciple of Marxism.

So in light of this, I can only assume the raghead marxist organization ISIL has a keen sense of communism and marxist tactics of disruption.  I think anyone who has looked at ISIL's propaganda recognize it as being similar to video's put out by the psuedo-hacker group ANONYMOUS...

Well "anonymous" is - in fact - another marxist organization!

Is it conceivable that anonymous and ISIL etc. are working together in an international communist conspiracy?

Possible but unlikely.

Most anonymous affiliates can't even hack and just hold up the Guy Fawlkes mask to be fashionable...

The fact is, the hardest of the hardcore marxists out there are the islamist communists - DIED IN THE WOOL COMMUNISTS - and they need to be combatted...

What if the DHS did a cross reference of communism and islamism in the search engines...?
Could be greatly revelatory!

The fact is,
True communists hate capitalism and in the case of Islamist communism hate Christians themselves...

If only there were a way we could return to the age of McCarthy in the 50's and suss out the islamist communist/marxist agents within our countries National borders...  They do pose a truly treacherous and venomous threat to every god fearing average American.

So let's all do our best to distance ourselves from these communist loons!
Reject dialectical materialism fully and in all of it's forms,
because the communist manifesto is %100 TREASON:

"1st rule is - got love for germany
2nd rules is - be nice to your mommy
3rd rule is - dont talk to commies
4th rule is - eat cochease salami"

- The Ramones

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Deep State is Involved in Treason!!! ~ Anonymous Informer Undermines Trump

Recently an anonymous informer talked about his misgivings regarding Trump to the Jew York Times. He talked about how he and others were actively undermining Trump because they believed he was "Unstable".  I don't care if this anonymous informant was repub;


Regardless of what party whom ever informed on Trump to the Jew York Times was, I believe this type of collusion between the deep state is, regardless of the freedom of the press clause in the constitution, Treason!

This is really a power play from the multi-culti globalist/zionist treasoners attempting to - once again - undermine Trump by whatever means necessary...
It's absolutely ridiculous-

Why would these deep state communists commit treason just to make Trump look like a fool?

Because they have no Christian morality, to be perfectly frank...
These deep state stooges, whether repub or dem, are characteristically either radically atheist or practically buddhist with their multi-culti bolshevikism.

They are, to a point - commies (these deep state rats).
And these new releases through the zionist Jew York Times merely prove that communism knows no party boundaries.  A commie rat could be a repub or democrat...  but never a libertarian to be frank.

I urge Trump to take solace in his paleo-conservative supporters.

We love this guy,
and people casting aspersions on him need to be sussed out and duly fired!

I support Trump,
and I urge him to enact Nixonian Co-Intel Pro style tactics against the ardently communist deep state.

The deep state is merciless in its attacks on sovereignty;
and I would just warn these deep state operatives what the penalty for treason is...


DDU 2018

Monday, July 2, 2018

The Meaning of Independence

As citizens of America celebrate the 4th of July during this fine summer holiday season, one would do well to reflect on the spirit of our Founders, who fought a full on Revolutionary War in order to secure it's country's people then and until today rights and liberties that would not only keep our nation as founded free from the tyranny of foreign rule, but also - in a more direct and simple sense - free in the commonplace usage of the sometimes maligned quasi-theological term "Freedom".

I refer to Freedom as the founders utilized the term, in a religious sense.

Think of the most famous saying in the founding documents: "All men are created equal."

This is a type of negative freedom that, more than anything, was just one indication that after the struggle for independence the founders wanted the 'people' to be the rulers of America - not themselves.  It's an astonishingly self-effacing value to enshrine in the DNA of a fledgling democracy to be sure!

Think of the story of post-revolution America.  The people of America's first free choice under a democratic country was to enshrine George Washington as official 'King of America'!

Fortunately for us, Washington declined (probably with a bemused grin).

So for all of you never-Trumpers out there, I would merely ask you to consider a single meme (if you will) for this 4th of July holiday...

Trump's inaugural adress!

Anyone who even halfway listened to the content of the speech should be able to easily recall how our now democratically elected POTUS repeated - over and over - that his intent in leadership was to "give the country back to the American people".

Well that's precisely what the founders had in mind when they created the United States of America!

So as we safely and securely en masse celebrate Independence day in this year of our Lord, let's remember the native soldiers who lost their lives so that every generation of citizens from then on could enjoy true Freedom.

But let's also recall to memory what they died for.

Domestic Democracy United 2018

Friday, May 11, 2018

Republicans High on Nootropics: On an Epoch of the Modern Age

Nootropics such as Ritalin and other uppers of various names globally have a great deal of stigma attached to them in the media, socially and legally.  Who hasn't ever heard of the poor sod who stays up for nights on end high on Ritalin or whatever and gets sent to the loony bin for psychotic behavior.  Happens near hundreds of times a day in the psych wards of across the globe.

Yet despite the negative aspects of Ritalin and other nootropics, I believe this universal stigmata against them ignores uppers many redeeming qualities...

Think about Elvis.

He did everything he did, epochs of music and peaks of fame and all, almost entirely by virtue of early nootropics.  The same goes for Johnny Cash!

Or perhaps we should factor Sigmund Freud's use of uppers into the equation!  He discovered the mysteries of the human unconscious mind almost entirely by virtue of philosophy and the most popular organic nootropic-like substance "cocaine".  They even used to put coke into coca-cola!

Or in the modern age take Kanye West's recent loudly vocal support of president Trump and intelligent assessment of the current state of Afro-American counter culture.

His vocal intonation in the interviews you may or may not have heard are clearly indicative of heavy nootropics use.  Does that demean or undermine the point he was trying to make?

Maybe according to TMZ and the lamestream media, but not to many republicans who have felt shut off by the Afro-American's democrat party based culture.
In fact, Kanye made many repub's who guiltily enjoy a good rap instrumental now and then feel vindicated!

And it is true authentic vindication that advanced nootropics application can offer humanity.

Why so much cultural dislike and antipathy towards nootropics?

Well, the dirty little secret of the psychiatric cabal's reticence to use nootropics more liberally probably stems from the early use of nootropic chemicals in warfare...

Hitler pumped his shocktroopers FULL of early nootropic drugs.  It's a fact.  The entire Nazi epoch (and ultimate defeat I'd suppose) can be attributed to the fact that the majority of Nazi Germany was out of their gourds on an early version of Ritalin, or nootropics proper.

I think that's where the media bias comes from...

But despite that,
Look at Kanye West.

Nootropics made him go balls-to-the-wall in his support of Trump!  Guaranteed!

Remember back to whatever meme you heard of Kanye's proclamations...

That way of speaking, which seems odd to someone who has never been keen to adderall, is endemic to high doses of nootropics, something which now deceased Heath Ledger knew quite well.

let me ask merely this...

Is Kanye "weird"?

The answer is no.
He's a successful musician who married the sexiest woman in America...

But now according to the oversee'ers in the media he must be delusional or psychotic or mentally ill.


Since when is it illegal to speak one's mind loudly and sternly?

In fact,
Since when has it been illegal to take more nootropics than is generally recommended?

It's not!

Yet the cultural stigma around adderal is such that it might as well be against the law of the globalist hegemony to even stay up past 12:00 at night having bull sessions with friends!!!

I've had impassioned bull sessions with college student friends;
and let me tell you:

It must be so right it's wrong!

I know,
let's all just pass out in front of the boob tube every night and forget about passion, music, celebrating life, and everything else about life that may have once mattered to us.

Let's give up on nootropics as a way to fix:

a) the methamphetamine epidemic
b) young students acting out in class and not caring about knowledge
c) the lack of great epochs of existentialist authorship in the modern age
d) the lowest lows of boring trash EDM
e) lack of passion in working adults
f) morning coffee's inability to keep us energized for things we would rather not be doing (i.e. work)
g) the degradation of the english language amongst minority sub-culture
h) the way in which long term relationships become boring communicatively often

Yeah, let's just give up on Ritalin and other nootropics and all come to the conclusion that young people on adderal are annoying, talk too much, and altogether below the big collective mainstream culture.

I say screw all that noise jack!

Let's bring advanced nootropics science back into the mainstream!



Saturday, April 28, 2018

The Democrat Constituency is a Pathological Hoarde


The Democrat party of today seems to have all but thrown these virtues out of the window in favor of their brainnumbed multi-cultural secularist worldview.  I wouldn't even mind, if it weren't causing normal adults who should know better to behave pathologically and with an extreme degree of infantilism.

Something about signing on the democrat dotted line seems to make average people "beholden" to their party, in such a way as to have truly lost the freedom that the founders fought for, died for, and used philosophy to frame the constitution with.  I feel sorry for these oxen, milling around with their npr blaring on autopilot, no real cognition of the realities of worldhood, basically living inside a democrat imposed cell created by lies.

I've seen it a million times.

Often, as in the Nevada shooting, this ignorant pathology turns to mass violence.

But mostly it just makes democrats isolated bourgeois pricks.

They're akin to a zombie like hoard, with no cognition about the things that matter like passion, concern and sympathy, responsibility etc. and merely roam the earth in a zombie like state desirous of material resources.

And boy do these fucking yuppies love their material resources.  They spend outrageous amounts of money on all kinds of useless crap while kids are starving in the street.  They drive around in their big pick up trucks, sports cars and SUV's guzzling gas to no end and simply fly by all the poverty on the streets whilst returning to their isolated little fantasy land.

So I say,

We're living in serious times.

Get your heads out of your asses!

Monday, April 16, 2018

Trump Administration Arms Ukraine

After the Ukrainian revolution against Russian totalitarianism, the Obama administration did little to help the freedom fighters and did anything other than posture and pose diplomatic.

Trump has changed all of that, and is actively funding and arming the Ukrainian resistance.  This is a tremendous move forward in fighting the international communist conspiracy.  We're told that the commie conspiracy isn't real, yet trump recently found 60 russian spies and had them deported!

It's a real threat!

And now with the quagmire regarding the use of chemical weapons by Assad - a MONSTER - it seems we may very well be on the precipice of WW3!!!  We should all remember that...

But Trump is fighting back every chance he gets, and be damned if he does and be damned if he doesn't, the media slams him every chance they get.

I think we all need a little solemnity and respect regarding publik politik these days...

And I personally feel more and more these days like crossing the aisle and trying to be more bipartisan. we're all in the ship together, and if we go down we all go down together,,,

So here's to the Ukrainian resistance!


Brendan O'Connell

Monday, March 19, 2018

Students Rally Around School Safety: "Leave it to the Youth to Show us How it's Done" Says DDU Founder

Domestic Democracy United 2018

Welcome to my blog politalk, the leading alt-right blog for all those 'in the know'...
I believe that the children of Parkland, FL. are doing an absolutely astonishing thing with their nation-wide rally to protest for school safety.

Maybe, yes...

They may - a margin - be against the second amendment and the National Rifle Association.

But that doesn't matter in the least!

Because the majority of the high schooler's protests have been, unequivocally, bi-partisin.

They're willing to give credence to responsible repubs, and I admire how thoughtful these young bright students are in their politik.

I Admit, most of these kids wouldn't be big tea partiers...

But that is besides the point;

I remember what it was like to be young and full of a profound inclination to protest!~

These kids, who remember are staging a grassroots protest against school violence, are putting the constitution to the test.
They are full of passion about what one of these students described as "refusal to live in fear"...

Reminds me of myself when I was younger.

And full of outrage!

I support these students in their willful protest for Education rights and I applaud their courage and tenacity!

I should be, on Mar. 23rd, covering the nationwide student protest on video for the blog Politalk...

And what I plan to ask is the question which remains the biggest elephant in the room regarding school violence;

"Should we arm teachers?"

According to lamestream polling, the country is divided in twain regarding whether or not we should allow schools to become non-safe zones.

And that's exactly what they would be if we as a country allowed christian teachers to carry guns in public schools...

"Not 'safe'"

Not safe for terrorists and lone wolf gunmen!

I agree completely with what Donald Trump said about the Parkland, FL. shooting:

"If those teachers had been armed there would not have even been a shooting!"

Because anyone knows,
Gun-free zones are what criminals refer to as 'easy targets'.

These crazed psychopaths know that if teachers in public schools were packin'?

They would have no hope of enacting their modus operandi;  which is to kill as many people as possible in order to become famous on the evening news.


The headline would instead be:

"Heroic teacher takes down lone wolf gunman."

So I plan to question and, yae, even interrogate these protesters on the 23rd (?) in regards to why they would or would not support arming certified teachers in the self defense of gun use...

I'm guessing we may be able to come to some sort of concurrence!

Stay tuned to Politalk's "Domestic Democracy United" PAC for coverage of the nationwide protests in support of school safety regulations this weekend!

We'll march, protest, and shout at the top of our lungs until children at public schools can feel safe again!

...and arming responsible teachers seems to be the most crucial step to achieving that end!


Friday, February 16, 2018

On the Florida Mass Shooting: "A Sad Day for Republicans"

The shooting of unarmed teenagers at a Florida public school is so horrific the episode defies speculation.

I am at a loss for words...

Tragedies such as the shooting at a Florida high school defy all attempts at logical circumspection and reasoned discourse, and I - for one - am full of a profound sense of existential Nausea when attempting to realize for myself the pure evil that would drive an anti-social loner who is obsessed with guns to kill en masse teens and, yae - the schools head coach in an act of violence.

I cannot bear to think of this tragedy - as in, the tragedy for the families and loved ones of the victims - without feeling a profound sense of moroseness and anger at the perpetrator of this murderous criminality.  What lack of moral turpitude would allow a troubled repub to go postal, murdering 17 or more innocent children is incomprehensible to me.

When I found out the perpetrator of the Florida shooting was a republican, I gasped in sheer unadulterated horror.
One of our own!

I can only, as a spokesman for Tea Party republicanism, decry any act of mass violence as the travesty of human pathology that it is...

That is,
A purely evil young man (probably a porno masturbator), taking out the chip on his shoulder on an unwitting school of innocent children trying to do right by their culture, their family and their personal morality.  When someone takes away an innocent christian's civil liberty through a mass shooting, one can only surmise two objective certainties in this case:

1) This perpetrator is NOT actually Christian.
2) This person is NOT archetypal of the average gun owning Trump supporter.

This psychotically violent murdering piece of fucking shit MAY have been a registered republican?
But that should in no way reflect on responsible christian gun owners...

Yet we're being lambasted in the media now ad infinitum.

Once the libs got the scent of blood and discovered the mass shooter was a "Make America Great Again" hat wearing repub, their sense of restraint went right out the door - and now they're playing blame game with NRA repubs.

Thanks a lot mainstream media...  this is a very sensitive subject for southerners by the way...

And the columbia schooled jounralists in the lamestream media are adding massive insult to injury by slandering repubs because the shooter happened to be a right winger!

I mean,

Let's all remember that anyone who has the type of moral defect that would allow one to commit a mass shooting is criminally psychotic; and that transcends party lines!

Yet still,
every time one of these shootings happens and we find ourselves to be politically or culturally in some way concurrent with a murdering piece of ignorant pond scum, we must do some kind of ethical circumspection...

What makes a murderer different from me, you, your neighbor or any one of us?

My answer is merely this...

- the morality ascribed by the New Testament -

This shooter was, guaranteed, not a member of a protestant church...  he may have voted for Trump, yes - and it is infinitely embarrassing!

I can personally promise all you New Testament fans that this 19 yr old murdering piece of shit did NOT read the bible as a believer, did NOT go to church willfully and regularly, and most likely committed the worst shooting in America since Newtown on Valentines day because he was a fucking ugly looser who probably got broken up with...

So with that in mind...


Brendan O'Connell
DDU 2018

Friday, January 12, 2018

USA is Set for Success in New Year

The trajectory of the USA is set to triumph in the coming year.  I see positive signs all around in Trump's America that we should see true exceptionalism in excellence this year.  The US seems poised to stand strong amidst adversity, and I truly believe we may even see a return to the authentic Spirit of America as envisioned by our founders and framers.

They, our founding fathers, stood for something.

Something we - as in you and I - can stand for today!

Freedom, liberty, justice and the honor of traditional morality...

I think, despite a public zeitgeist that seems a bit pathological at times due to the media, that a positive outlook for America's future befits all citizens of the USA.

I mean admit it...

There's a reason people from all over the world flock to the US's beacon of light every day in droves.  The reason is easily surmised by anyone with a little faith in the guaranteed rights enshrined in our (or any) country's founding documents.  Just scan any bit of the federalist papers and you can easily tell that our founding fathers were passionate about freedom.

And that's what our little beacon of light shines for the rest of the world: Absolute Freedom.

I can see America, bothe left and right, on the rise towards peaks of excellence never before seen!  Imagine the progress we can make, even merely technologically, in the near future.  Just think of it!

We may see things one could never imagine!

I'm hopeful about the future of the USA because I can see social change and progress taking hold all across this great land.  Every day, true American grit triumphs over pathology and malfeasance, hope triumphs over despair, freedom triumphs over bondage...

Let's rally around the ideals of the founders and take democracy into our own hands and enact liberty in our every day lives.  Trump's inaugural address was a great moment for Trump personally, yes.  But it was also a call for responsibility from every US citizen!

Trump said "I'm putting the country back in the hands of every day Americans".

This was astonishing as a statement of principle!

I mean think about it~

Trump just got to hold power at the helm of the worlds most powerful country, and he used that speech to give all of his power to the people of America;  a Sentiment truly in line with the philosophy of our founding fathers.

Sure, jaded naysayers may not trust politicians intrinsically and decry them as mere puppets of no real recompense...  However, even the most anti-Trump reader should admit that ideas have power and prescience.  The ideas of the founders and framers as exemplified by the Federalist Papers are some of the most salient and extraordinary heights of human ingenuity-

and just as Washington refused to be King of America and gave the country back to the citizens, so too I believe we should witness through out the course of this year real progress in the area of personal Freedom and responsibility.

Individual every day Americans, making a difference in the world through positivity and sheer grit and determination...

We shouldn't look to our leaders to show us the way, however.
What citizens need to do more and more is internalize the philosophy of the founders and framers and enact positive change thusly in their every day lives...

And that's precisely what I see happening for the USA this year!

Let's keep that beacon of light for the world shining, dear readers, for all to see!